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英语翻译M as a bridge between difficult educational progra

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 01:41:22
M as a bridge between difficult educational programs on
one side and students who need considerable motivation on the
other.These technologies are welcome additions both to the
classic educational process and for autonomous asynchronous
study.They can incorporate dynamic displays,interactivity,
online calculations,audio,and video.All these attributes can
have a stimulating effect on students [4],[5].At the same time,
thoughtfully prepared content can represent a stepping-stone
for further research by students and for their study of supple-
mentary literature.
In engineering,a basic element of explanation is a good
technical sketch.In addition,technical writings often include
equations,special notations,and graphs.Today,web-based
technologies efficiently support these elements.In comparison
with traditional printed books,web-based technologies offer
the advantage of allowing individual parts of technical sketches
to appear gradually on the screen through animation,synchro-
nized with,for example,corresponding steps in the derivation
of equations.Furthermore,navigational and dynamic elements
can provide interactivity.For example,mathematical tools with
web support can be integrated into the web-based learning
environment so that students can see the results of changing the
values of parameters in calculations and graphs.
Using such web-based educational environments,students
can gain better insight into the usually demanding and often
difficult-to-imagine role and meaning of theory in a particular
discipline.Moreover,students can access a vast spectrum of
practical examples that preview even more complex structural
problems with which they will have to cope during further
study,engineering practice,and research.The web-based
system also can support pre-laboratory learning.Offering
guided step-by-step instructions through assignments enables
students to learn the concept of problem solving so that later
they can come to appropriate solutions by themselves.
In previous work,authors have developed and implemented
proprietary classical [6]–[11] or web-based [12]–[17] applica-
tions tightly related to a specific course.Work by Fisher and
Michielssen,for example,incorporates some of the engineering
learning content elements in a web-based simulation environ-
ment built with the Mathematica gateway [15].In this system,
the Mathematica kernel is accessed through a web-based
graphical user interface by using scripts based on the Common
Gateway Interface (CGI).This system provides interactive
computational and visualization capabilities,but does not
address the presentation of other necessary elements,such as
interactive equations,technical sketches,and animations.Also,
the users of the system need some knowledge of Mathematica.
英语翻译M as a bridge between difficult educational progra
第一句话没有谓语,可能不全: 某物能够成为高难度课程与学习积极性低的学生之间的桥梁(语境不够无法不好意译).
这些技术无论对于传统的全日制教学模式抑或自主式进修都有很大帮助.它们(指代技术)整合了动态演示、互动、在线计算、音频以及视频等元素. 这些元素可以提升学生的学习效果.同时,这些精心组织的教学内容可以为学生未来的研究工作和课外阅读提供坚实的基础.
在工程领域里,解释某种机制的一个重要环节就是画技术草图.而一副草图中通常报含有:方程、专用符号以及图画. 现如今基于网络(网基)技术可以很好的辅助草图中各元素的制作.与传统的纸质草图相比,网基技术能通过动画技术使得草图中的图画分时分模块显示在屏幕上,并且能够与相关的方程推演动画进行同步演示,这是纸质所不能企及的优势.图中的一些有导向性或动态的元素可以通过该技术产生互动效果.比如,有网基技术支持的数学工具可以嵌入到网络教学环境当中,这样可以让学生通过改变公式或解析方程的参数直接看到相应的结果(图线)的变化.加入这些网基技术后,学生能够对在某些学科理论中一些困难的、需要具象思维的元素与概念有更深的了解.而且,学生可以利用该技术学习到大量结构更加复杂的实例,从而能更好的应对将来学习、工程实习与研究中出现的问题.网基系统同时也能帮助学生进行实验前的预习工作. 通过逐步的指导,让学生了解处理分析问题的方法,让其在后面的实际操作中能够独立解决问题.
在以前的著作中,作者已经开始把专门的应用程序(或网络应用)绑定在课本当中.比如Fisher和Michielessen就把工程学科中的某些教学内容放到 具有Mathematica(好像是一种符号型数学软件吧?)网关的网基模拟环境(系统) 中来阐述.在这个系统中,通过使用基于脚本的通用网关接口(CGI),网基的图形用户界面可以调用Mathematica的内核.该系统具有了互动计算和可视化的能力,但没有实现诸如:互动方程、技术草图、动画等基本功能. 而且使用者要会使用Mathematica
可能有错字,多包涵哈, 有问题追问