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英语翻译while jesus was on earth,he healed the sick and taught p

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 10:25:15
while jesus was on earth,he healed the sick and taught people about God.So everywhere he went,men and women,and boys and girls,wanted to meet him.One day,he had to go to Jerusalem to celebrate a feast day.As he rode into town on a donkey,a crowd ran out to meet him.Some shouted,"Blessed is the king!"and put their coats down in his path.Others waved palm branches and sang songs.the leaders were jealous.they did not like Jesus."Look how the people follow this man,"they whispered."We must find a way to get rid of him."That night,Jesus ate Passover Feast with his friends.He knew it would be the last meal they would eat together.He didn’t want them to forget him.So when the food was passed around,he turned to them and said,"When you eat bread and drink wine like this,remember me."Jesus knew the jealous leaders would take him away soon.he also know someone sitting in the room would turn him in."Who is it,Lord?"asked John.Jesus answered,"The one i give bread to,"as he passed the loaf to Judas.Judas whispered an excuse and left.after dinner,Jesus and some friends went to a garden.Jesus knew he would suffer and die so he was very sad."I am going to pray now,"Jesus said."Please keep watch."His friends said,"Yes,Lord,"but then they fell asleep.Jesus knelt and closed his eyes."Father,you can take away this cup of suffering that is to come,"he said softly."But i will do whatever you want."Then Jesus got up and went back to his friends.Suddenly,a group of soldiers marched up to Jesus.Judas was with them.He ran over to Jesus and greeted him with a kiss.This was the signal for the soldiers to arrest Jesus.And when they did,his friends left him and ran away.Jesus was brought before the leaders.Some people told lies about him.But they had no proof.So the leaders could not charge Jesus with any wrong.Then they asked,"You say you are the son of God.Is that true?"Jesus answered,"I am ."This made the leaders angry."This man is guilty of a terrible offense.He says he is God’s son when he is not,"they shouted."For this,he must be punished."The leaders decided Jesus must die on the cross.But first,he had to carry it a long way to a place called Calvary.The cross was very heavy and Jesus fell three times.His friends could not do anything but look on and cry.Jesus died soon after.His friends took his boy and buried it in a new tomb.Then they rolled a big stone in front.But the leaders were still afraid.They remembered that Jesus said he would rise again in three days.So they gave an order for soldiers to guard the tomb day and nidht.
英语翻译while jesus was on earth,he healed the sick and taught p
地球上的耶稣,他治愈的病人和教导人们.所以到处他走到哪里,男人和女人,男孩和女孩,要以满足他.一天,他去耶路撒冷庆祝节日.当他骑马进城的驴子,失控的人群,以满足他.一些人喊道: “有福是国王! ” ,并把他们的衣服在他的手掌path.其他的挥手分支机构唱歌.领导人嫉妒了.他们不喜欢耶稣. “看人民如何贯彻这个人, ”他们低声说. “我们必须找到办法摆脱他. ”那天晚上,耶稣吃逾越节的盛宴,他的朋友知道这将是最后一餐他们将一起吃.他不希望他们忘记他.所以食品时通过周围,他转过身对他们说: “当你吃面包,喝葡萄酒这样,记得我. ”耶稣知道嫉妒领导人将他带走了.很快他也知道有人坐在房间把他“是谁,上帝? ”问John.Jesus回答说: “我现在的一个面包, ”他通过了面包给犹大.犹大低声的借口并例开了.晚餐后,耶稣和一些朋友去花园.Jesus知道他会受苦和死亡,使他非常难过. “我要祈祷现在, ”耶稣说. “请密切关注. ”他的朋友说: “是啊,上帝, ”但他们随后会开始熟睡.Jesus跪下,并闭上了眼睛. “父亲,你可以带走这杯的痛苦是来, ”他轻声说. “但我将尽一切你想要的. “耶稣站起来,回到了朋友身边.突然,一群军人游行行动Jesus.Judas是与他们.他辗过耶稣和他打招呼的吻.这是信号兵在逮捕时,Jesus和他的朋友让他跑开.Jesus被送交给了长官.一些人认为他在说谎.但是他们没有证据.所以领导人不能收取任何错误.然后耶稣与他们问: “你说你的儿子上帝,是真的吗? ”耶稣回答说: “我. ”这使领导人生气. “这名男子犯了一个可怕的进攻.他说,他是上帝的儿子,他是没有, “他们喊. ”为此,他必须受到惩罚. “领导人决定耶稣必须死在十字架上.但第一,他已经进行了很长的一个叫Calvary.两岸是十分繁重和耶稣下跌3 次.他的朋友不能做任何事情,但期待去死.Jesus很快就死了.他的朋友带着孩子,埋在一个新的墓穴.然后,他们在前面推了一个大石头.但是领导人仍然害怕.他们记得,耶稣说,他将再次上升,他们在三天.所以了命令士兵守卫在1830年一天.