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四年级上册英语的let’s talk 句子

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 15:24:39
四年级上册英语的let’s talk 句子
就是像我发的那张图片Let‘s  talk。一个单元有两个Let’s talk
四年级上册英语的let’s talk 句子
50 | 解决时间:2009-2-12 18:34 | 高攀宇蠢猪a quickly quickly quickly
Unit 1
computer(计算机) board(写字板) fan(风扇) light(灯) this(这;这个) is(是)
my(我的) that(那;那个) your(你的) teacher’s desk(讲台) picture(图画;照片) wall(墙壁) floor(地板) yes(是;是的) it(它)
Unit 2
one(一) two(二) three(三) four(四) five(五) six(六) seven(七) eight(八) nine(九) ten(十) what(什么) time(时间) it’s=it is …o’clock(…点钟) math(数学) Chinese(语文) English(英语) P.E.(体育) music(音乐) for(为;给) class(课程)
Unit 3
jacket(夹克衫) shirt(衬衫) skirt(裙
子) dress(连衣裙) T-shirt(T恤衫) red(红色的) blue(蓝色的) yellow(黄色的) green(绿色的) white(白色的) no(不;不是) not(不;不是的) colour(颜色)
Unit 4
warm(暖和的) cold(寒冷的) cool(凉爽的) today(今天) jeans(牛仔裤) pants(长裤) socks(袜子) shoes(鞋子) let’s=let us play(玩;踢) football(足球) snowy(下雪的) sunny(晴朗的)
Unit 5
how much(多少钱) big(大的) small(小的) long(长的) short(短的) apple(苹果) banana(香蕉) pear(梨) orange(橙子) watermelon(西瓜) are(是)
they 它(他、她)们
Unit 6
horse(马) aren’t=are not cat(猫) rabbit(兔子) pig(猪) duck(鸭子) dog(狗) eleven(十一) twelve(十二) thirteen(十三) fifteen(十五) twenty(二十) how many(多少) there(那儿;那里)
Is this your pen?
Yes it is./No it isn't.
1.将陈述句变为一般疑问句时,如句中有be 动词(am is are …)时,可直接将它们提至主语前.如主语为第一人称,应将其改为第二人称.如:
I'm in Class 2Grade 1. →
Are you in Class 2Grade
We're watching TV. →
Are you watching TV?
2.陈述句中有情态动词(can may must …)时,也可直接将它们提至主语前,即可成为一般疑问句.如:
He can swim now. →
Can he swim now?
The children may come with us. → May the children come with us?
3.陈述句中只有一个实义动词作谓语且其时态为一般现在时,变为一般疑问句时要在句首加do或does 主语后的实义动词用原形.如:
I like these animals. →
Do you like these animals?
She wants to go to the movies. → Does she want to go to the movies?
5.一般疑问句有时不用yes或 no 回答