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英语翻译关于项目中保密协议的,请帮忙翻译成中文.只需要可以清晰直观的让人明白这段英文说的是什么3.I will comp

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 15:18:41
3.I will comply,and do all things necessary for IBM and its affiliates to comply (a) with the lawsand regulations of all governments under which IBMand its affiliates do business; (b) with provisions of contracts between anysuch government or its contractors and IBMor its affiliates that relate to intellectual property or to the safeguardingof information; and (c) with any IBMguidelines that I am required to comply with during my assignment on IBM premises.
4.I understand that all work products developed by me,and allinventions conceived or reduced to practice by me solely or jointly with othersduring my assignment at IBM areowned by IBM,and I don’t have any right,title and interest in any such item.
5.IBM,its affiliates,licensees,successors or assignees (direct orindirect) are not required to designate me as an author of any item which issubject to Paragraph 4,when such item is distributed,publicly or otherwise,or to secure my permission to change or otherwise alter the integrity of anysuch item,and I hereby waive and release,to the extent permitted by law,allrights in and to such designation and any rights I may have concerningmodifications of such items.
I understand that anyrights,waivers,releases and assignment herein granted and made by me arefreely assignable by IBM and are for the benefit of IBM and its affiliates,licensees,successors and assignees.
英语翻译关于项目中保密协议的,请帮忙翻译成中文.只需要可以清晰直观的让人明白这段英文说的是什么3.I will comp
(c) IBM公司分配给我的任务,我必须遵守IBM的准则完成.