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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 11:22:33
Actually affect our health is the most important factor that diet, is the so-called "mouth", this is a reason, because the direct entry foods can carry a large number of bacteria into our internal body, and the internal body compared outside criterion more show the fragile, food caused by the disease more, so we should choose somewhat in food, some attention.Here I suggest you choose the following categories food as a often feed sort:The first kind of vegetables, you can eat a little more, so much vitamin and cellulose will do you no harm, of course, you had to pick vegetables have not chosen seemingly sick disease dishes, you also want according to where you choose vegetables, inquire origin, because the environment more or less will affect the vegetables health and nutrition, of course, vegetable varieties are generally mass dishes, why humans ate so long is because it has many elements of health.The second: fruit, you must choose non-public hazard green melon, if there are conditions to eat some wild fruit words, so much the better, because it has many value humans are not completely discovered.Third class: starch, this is staple food, when choosing so when they should be paid special attention, rice, wheat, corn these actually can staging food.Below are not eat:The first category: when genera Fried foods, then things don't go to touch, 29generations last than drugs ah, people all like to eat McDonald's, KFC, isn't this western-worship deep-seated outside? Some people is blind, fashion, so the copycat? Also, just like wal-mart, carrefour these broken place I wouldn't go, I will always support domestic, good do you like to eat right, AIDS import, huh, what a hideous mess thing to the right, it's not all is those silly B bring? A group of obscurantism, I hate abjectively.The second: the environmental pollution of local food is best has scared feeling, you have to "refuse far and the".Third class: not clear food doesn't eat, don't literally eat what wild vegetables and wild mushrooms, clear eat again, good for you.Iv: too spicy here is not let you don't eat, mean eat less as far as possible, because too stimulating food can cause too much disease, so we must ate less中文如下:实际上影响我们健康最主要的因素是饮食,正所谓“病从口入”,这是有原因的,因为直接入口的食物会携带大量病菌侵入我们的身体内部,而身体内部相比外则更显的脆弱,食物所引发的疾病较多,因此我们应该在食物方面有所选择,有所关注. 在这里我建议大家选择以下几类食物作为常食的种类: 第一类:蔬菜,你可以多吃一些,那么多维生素和纤维素对你没坏处,当然蔬菜也得选,你不要选那些看似有病的病菜,你也要根据你所在的地方选择蔬菜,问明产地,因为环境或多或少会影响到蔬菜的健康和营养,当然蔬菜的品种一般就是大众菜了,人类为什么吃了那么久,就是因为它有许多健康的因素了. 第二类:瓜果,你一定要选择无公害的绿色瓜果,如果有条件吃到些野果的话,那就更好了,因为它有许多价值人类还未完全发现. 第三类:淀粉,这是主食,所以在选择的时候就应该特别的注意了,大米,麦子,玉米这些其实都可以分期食之. 下面是不吃的: 第一类:当属油炸食品,那东西最后不要去沾,堪比毒品啊,国人都喜欢吃肯德基、麦当劳,这不是崇洋昧外吗?有些人是盲目的,还时尚呢还,太跟风了吧,像沃尔玛,家乐福这些破地方我是不会去的,我永远支持国产的,好你喜欢吃是吧,爱滋病进口了是吧,什么乱七八糟的东西来了是吧,这不都是那些傻B带来的吗?一群愚民,我最讨厌跟风的了. 第二类:环境污染的地方的食物最好有惧怕的感觉,你只好“拒而远之”. 第三类:不清楚食物不吃,不要随便吃什么野菜,野蘑菇,搞清楚再吃,对你有好处. 第四类:太过于辛辣,在这里不是让你不吃,意思是尽量少吃,因为太过刺激的食物能够引发太多的疾病,所以我们一定要少吃一些.