作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 22:18:10
(就是把下面的英文用成语表达出来 我已经做了几个了)
1.a stony heart 铁石心肠
2.to return good for evil是非不分
3.to talk black into white黑白颠倒
4.to turn a deaf ear to 置若罔闻
5.to fly into a rage暴跳如雷
6.to look for a needle in a haystack海底捞针
7.to show one’s colors
8.to make a noise in the world
9.to be at the end of one’s rope
10.to be dead drunk
11.to pick holes in
12.plain sailing
13.neither fish nor flesh
14.more haste,less speed
15.castles in the air
7.to show one’s colors 原形毕露
8.to make a noise in the world 一鸣惊人
9.to be at the end of one’s rope 山穷水尽
10.to be dead drunk 烂醉如泥
11.to pick holes in 吹毛求疵
12.plain sailing 一帆风顺
13.neither fish nor flesh 不伦不类,非驴非马
14.more haste,less speed 欲速不达
15.castles in the air 空中楼阁