作业帮 > 综合 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/25 08:29:48
1) 本活动仅限当日小票每张小票不重复使用,小票金额恕不拆分;
2) 单张满额小票可换取一份礼品,多买恕不多赠,各档赠品恕不兼得;
3) 小票可参加同期栩栩如生•民俗工艺话端午特别企划活动;
4) 兑换赠品时,请出示会员卡和有效小票,非会员请在兑换单上签名确认;
5) 赠品以实物为准;数量有限,赠完为止;
6) 退货时,请退还相应赠品,赠品无法退还时,需交纳赠品金额;
7) 活动细则以现场明示为准;商场拥有最终解释权,包括变更、调整、终止本活动的权利.
[Attention] :
1) This activity only for that day and it allow not repeat use,the leaflet will not split to use,
2) The leaflet of a ticket quota can replace one gift,only can replace ONE gift,it is not allow get several gifts in different site,
3) The leaflet can joins the special project activities of folk craft words vivid dragon-boat festival,
4) exchange gifts,please present your card and valid leaflet and non-VIP should sign on the exchange note as confirmation,
5) The gift is limited amount,the activity will be over if the gift present over.
6) For return,please return corresponding gifts,please pay the amount of gift if the gift cannot be return.
7) The activities will be shows the rules on-site;and our stores have the final interpretation,including changes,the adjustment,the termination of this activity.
The total consumption of partnership with 1000 RMB,you can receive...