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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 11:49:59
这首诗的主题是时间的无情,以及诗歌的不朽和永恒.诗人一开始便以生动的视觉意象为比喻,吸引了读者的注意力.诗人除了用大海波浪的滚滚向前比喻人生时光的无情流淌,生生不息外,还用了太阳的金光被日蚀遮住作比喻,说明时光无情消亡,一切美好的东西和青春都不会永远停留,而会随时间的流逝而迅速消逝.(delves the .)这句,比喻时间会使青春美貌老去.这个比喻乍一听,太虚张声势或小题大做,实际上这正与诗的崇高严肃的主题相和谐,显示出时间强大的破坏力.第2行,诗人又用了第三个意象来比喻时间:时间的流逝就像镰刀的收割.最后这两个不太温柔的比喻都暗示了时间的无情和残忍,生动之极.像通常十四行诗的最后现行一样,诗人在最后做了结论:时间残酷,但他的诗将屹立千古,歌颂“你”的美德.
The relentlessness of time,combined with the immortality of poetry as well as the eternity serves as the theme of this poem.
  To begin with,the poet employs active visible images to offer a metaphor in order to attract readers' attention.Besides that fact that the auothor compares the irreversible flowing of time to the rolling sea waves,there exist in the poem the pracitce that the description of golden sunlight rays being covered because of solar eclipse is used to demonstrate the ruthless vanishing of time.All beautiful things,including youth,will not stay at one point for ever and they are sure to disappear quickly with the fleeting time.For instance,the line of "delves the ." is used to symbolize the phenomenon that time will erode youth and beauty,which sounds like an exaggerating metaphor or making a mountain out of a molehill,while as a matter of fact this practice is just in harmony with the poem's noble and solemn theme and furhter reveals the power of time to destroy everything.The second line,once again,sees the poet taking advantage of a third image to imply time:the passing of time is much too similar to a sickle cutting crops in the field.The two metaphors near the end are suggestive of time's relentlessness and brutality,which is extremely vivid.As is usual with a sonnet,in finishing lines,the poet draws a conclusion that time is ruthless,but the poems of time theme will last for ever and sing high praises of "you".
  The "you" at the very end of this poem is rather puzzling to the readers.According to some critics' conjecture,the sonnets by Shakespeare are dedicated to either a handsome single young man or an dark-skinned beautiful young lady,and all in all,who is the "you" in the poem,which is to be reflected upon.