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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 16:36:36
Michael Schumacher will retire from race driving at the end of the 2006 World Championship. Whatever the final result of this year’s championship, Michael leaves Formula 1 holding almost all the records. To date, he has taken seven Drivers’ world titles and has contributed to the same number of team wins in the Constructors’ Championship. He has taken part in 247 Formula 1 Grands Prix (178 of them at the wheel of a Ferrari,) won 90 (71,) been on pole 68 (58) times, setting 75 (52) fastest race laps. He has amassed a total of 1354 points, 1051 of them in a Maranello car. No one in the world of motor racing has done better.
Following his decision, the only record that will elude him is the one for the number of race starts. He will be able to reach the 250 mark, just six short of the record held by Riccardo Patrese. Schumacher has been with Scuderia Ferrari for eleven seasons, a demonstration of loyalty without equal in Formula 1, to date securing five of his Drivers’ titles here and contributing to six of the team’s Constructors’ titles. No other driver has ever won as much with the Scuderia.
At the end of the year, as is traditional, we will announce the new team organisation, which will also include a definition of Michael’s new role.
Michael Schumacher will retire from race driving at the end of the 2006 World Championship.
Whatever the final result of this year's championship, Michael leaves Formula One holding almost all the records. To date, he has taken seven Drivers' world titles and has contributed to the same number of team wins in the Constructors' Championship. He has taken part in 247 Formula 1 Grands Prix (178 of them at the wheel of a Ferrari,) won 90 (71,) been on pole 68 (58) times, setting 75 (52) fastest race laps. He has amassed a total of 1354 points, 1051 of them in a Maranello car. No one in the world of motor racing has done better.
Following his decision, the only record that will elude him is the one for the number of race starts. He will be able to reach the 250 mark, just six short of the record held by Riccardo Patrese.
Schumacher has been with Scuderia Ferrari for eleven seasons, a demonstration of loyalty without equal in Formula One, to date securing five of his Drivers' titles here and contributing to six of the team's Constructors' titles. No other driver has ever won as much with the Scuderia.
"I had always said that the decision to retire would be his alone, but now that decision has been taken, I feel a sense of sadness," commented Ferrari President and CEO, Luca di Montezemolo. "We have lived through some unforgettable times together, some good some bad, achieving results that will be hard to equal. To Michael goes the thanks of everyone in the company and supporters of Ferrari for all the dedication he has shown to our colours, for the determination and courage with which he has worked,which has provided immense satisfaction. He is both sincere and passionate and has earned the affection of all of us and of our fans. His relationship with Maranello will continue, albeit in a different form and I am very happy about that."
"Michael has been the author of a unique chapter in the history of Formula 1 and of Ferrari in particular. It has yet to reach its conclusion and what he has achieved extends over and above the results obtained," added Managing Director, Jean Todt. "He is an exceptional man and will become a legend as a driver. For me personally, he is a great friend and together we have lived through unrepeatable experiences. Having had the opportunity to work alongside him has been and will continue to be a privilege."
"Words are not enough and whatever I could say now will never fully express how much I love this fascinating world of motor sport and all it has given me," said Michael Schumacher. "From go-karting to Formula 1, I have lived through moments that I will never forget. I am profoundly grateful for everything I have had. I want to thank everyone who has accompanied me, supported and inspired me, right back to the days of my childhood. Above all, a special thanks goes to Corinna and our two children, who have given me the strength to do what I have done. All these years in Formula 1 have been amazing, especially those spent alongside my friends in the Scuderia. Soon my future will belong to my family, while I am happy to be still part of Ferrari. But for now, what matters is this world championship."
At the end of the year, as is traditional, we will announce the new team organisation, which will also include a definition of Michael's new role.
不管今年的比赛结果如何,迈克尔将带着几乎所有记录离开F1.到目前为止他已经获得 了7次世界冠军并获得了7次车队世界冠军.
他总共参加247场F1大奖赛(178场代表法拉利参赛)获胜90场(70场代表法拉利),获 得杆位68次(58次代表法拉利),作出了75次最快圈速(52次代表法拉利).他总共获 得了1354个积分,1051分是驾驶法拉利获得.赛车世界里没有任何人做的比他出色.
随着他决定退役,他唯一的还没破的记录是参赛次数记录,他将能参加250次比赛,仅比 记录保持者Riccado Patrese少6场.
舒马赫为法拉利参赛11个赛季,F1中没有人像他一样忠诚.到目前为止为法拉利获得了 5次车手总冠军和六次车队总冠军.没有其他法拉利车手和他获得的荣誉一样多.
“我一直说退役的决定要由他独自作出,现在他宣布了决定,我感到非常难过”法拉利 CEO蒙特则莫罗说道“我们一起经过了一些难忘的日子,有些好的,有些坏的,获得的成 就将很难被后人追上.”
“全公司所有人和法拉利的支持者对他为我们颜色的倾注所有给于万分的感谢,感谢他 工作时的决心和勇气,这使我们非常满意.他的真诚和激情获得了我们和车迷所有人的 喜爱.”
“迈克尔是F1运动中一段独一无二的传奇的缔造者,特别是对法拉利的历史来说.然而 这一切不得不走向结束,他所获得的远不止是那些结果所能表达的,”车队经理让.托德 说道.
“他是个特殊的人,作为一个车手将成为传奇.对我个人来说,他是个伟大的朋友,我 们一起度过的经历不可能被后人重复,拥有和他一起工作的机会一直是而且以后还会是 特别的荣幸”
“不管我说什么都不能完全表达我是多么热爱这个迷人的赛车世界和她给于我的所有这 一切,”舒马赫说道.“从卡丁车到F1,我经历过的日子将永生难忘,深深的感激我所 拥有的一切.”
“我要感谢陪伴我的所有人,你们支持和激励着我,从我还是孩子的时候就开始了.首 先,我要特别感谢克丽娜和我们的两个孩子,他们给了我做这些的力量,所有这些在F1 的日子都非常快乐,特别是那些在法拉利和我的朋友们在一起的日子”