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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 07:19:51
1 Although he played a leading role in planning spacecraft expeditions,Dr.cs refused to accept praise for the plans he designed not otherwise to profit from later advancements in space exploration.这句话有问题么?
2 In a world that the rate of technological and social change accelerates frighteningly,change itself often seems to be the only constant.我知道that有问题~就是想问是改in which和where都可以还是哪个?
3 The Basque language,possibly one of Europe's oldest whose origins are hotly debated.改后的正确答案是 The origin of the Basque language,possibly one of Europe's oldest,are hotly debated.这不是改变句意了吗?原句意思是language是oldest现在却变成了origin是oldest?
4 The shift from traditional to cosmetic dentistry is because of adults getting fewer cavities and their becoming more vain.这句话怎么错了?是就是怪怪的,还是因为adults后面没加' 还是因为is 后面不能加because of?
5 After the uprising of October 10,1911,that has led to the establishment of a Chinese republic.has led 怎么错了?怎么改?
6 T.R was not just a great reformer; he was also a great president.这个说法为什么比 Not just as a reformer,T.R was also a great president
7 Nicknamed the super grain of the future,quinoa is a complete protein that contained all the necessary amino acids and also is high in fiber.为什么不选..就因为多了一个also造成冗余嘛?
8 Until they were widely hunted for their ivory and blubber in the 18th century,walruses were plentiful in the waters of the northeastern US.Until和Before用在这里会有什么区别么?如果有的话哪个更优?
9 The actuality of the sailing by the ancient Egyptians to South America remains uncertain,but.为什么不对?答案是That the ancient Egy..actually sailed 我怎么觉得更怪..
10 The exchange between the teacher and the student promotes learning far different from that which results as the students listens but does not participate.想问AS为什么错..另外改的话是改成when 还是 from,为什么?
11 Having command of pathos,tragedy,as well as humor,George Eliot is considered to be a great English novelist.为什么不对?
12 Contrasting with most other fifteenth-century rulers,Portuguese kings could count on the support of the aristocracy in any overseas ventures.为什么Contrasting 要改为 Contrasted?
13 In 1850 Jim Beckwourth,a Black American explorer,discovered in the mountains of the Sierra Nevada a pass soon becoming an important gateway to California gold-rush country.中的蓝色部分为什么错了?不是说SVOdoing 可以嘛而且doing修饰O啊..所以为什么错?
14 Mastery of cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques are mandatory for firefighters and police officers as well as rescue squad volunteers.为什么是改are为is而不改把mastery改成复数?

Practice 2中Bobby 说They tell me that this is the kind of thing that gets hold of middle-class householders every once in a while.But most of them just lie down till the feeling passes.
Lewis 说And when most of them lie down they are at the cemetety before they think about getting up.
Bobby是在讽刺Lewis还是在讽刺那些middle-class householders?
我觉得是前者因为前文说Bobby was not to take Lewis seriously 但官网上分析的貌似是后者.为什么我的理解不对?

再问: 是在讽刺中产阶级啊...说他们躺着等着这种感觉过去结果相当于自掘坟墓嘛...没有讽刺Lewis 因为没有针对Lewis前面内容啊....
再答: 仔细看原来你问的都是语法,那我当场做了 1.去掉not 就对了。refuse to accept praise to profit 而非accept praise not to profit. accept praise 了当然就profit 啦 2。都可 3。没有改变意思。改后possibly one of Europe's oldest是紧跟在language 后的,还是修饰language 4。这句话的意思是 the shift 是个because of... shift 是个原因?不能直接这么说的awkward 5.改成After the uprising of October 10,1911, WHICH has led to the establishment of a Chinese republic........ has led that前不能加逗号 6。前者redundent 7.contained时态错了 8。until的话后面应该用had been 9.actuality这种抽象的名词SAT超不喜欢,awkward,还不如用个从句 10。from,固定搭配 11.我看不出有什么错,除非有更好的选项 12。Portuguese kings 自己不会没事找事去把自己跟人家contrast,是我们后人研究的时候我们contrast。所以用被动不用主动的doing 13。可以是可以,但是不好。因为容易混淆为修饰the discover. 14.因为cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques是一类技能,所以用mastery单数。另一个例子:masteries of drawing and dancing 你语法看得很细嘛,什么时候考试?
再问: 1啊这个地方我打错了..应该是or 不是 not 所以我是想问时态。答案里是he had designed 但是我觉得designed也对啊所以...求解答~ 5不不不that那里没有划线...划线的是has led..所以...has led 怎么错? 6答案是前面那个.... 8 答案就是until... 10 可是result as 也是固定搭配啊.. 11 不用改成having commanded 么?? 13 那肿么改 恩..自己老是乱纠结挺讨厌的... 10月份!你呢?
再答: 11.have command of 有。。。的技能,固定搭配,这里的have 不是现完里的那个 13。 In 1850 Jim Beckwourth, a Black American explorer, discovered in the mountains of the Sierra Nevada a pass which soon became an important gateway to California gold-rush country. 其它的等我看完OG里的原题告诉你吧。>< 你知道了告诉我一声啊啊啊啊 我也十月 ~
再问: 恩好吧~谢谢~\(≧▽≦)/~啦啦啦