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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 06:35:48
我看过一则公益广告,有这么一幅画面:年轻而劳累的母亲给儿子讲完故事,转而去给婆婆洗脚,回来陪儿子的时候却见儿子端来一盆满满的水说:“妈妈,洗脚.” 很感动.
I had looked at one items of public good advertisement ,have had such one tableau:The young but tired mother finishes talking story for son ,a basin of chockful water says to come turning to go and washing a foot ,returning when accompanying a son but seeing a son end for mother-in-law:"Mother,washes a foot ".Move very much.Think about carefully,I had washed foot for my mother but never.Mother,mimics language getting up at that time from my prattle being that I have washed much time of feet without the knowledge of ,now as the daughter I have washed several time for mother ,is clear even though holding a basin foot water?I keep mother's foot in memory even limpidly I have once,not have watched ,fondled.Very heavy life burden has made mother bear very much suffering.Unable but decorative pair of foot ,black,is thin,long full sole cocoon.We all are to act as children's ,are soon conduct parents's,you are able to achieve get back home middle ,redress foot for self mother ,self father?Have let that the go by the hard foot pair having a rest!Because of mother's foot go by very much bad luck,we need to be thinking of a heart being thankful.I want to hold her tightly much ,tell her to love you really.I want to wash foot for mother always,in her remaining years of one's life.This year winter holidays goes home ,I may say like little boy inside the advertisement to the mother:"Mother,washes a foot ".
英语翻译我看过一则公益广告,有这么一幅画面:年轻而劳累的母亲给儿子讲完故事,转而去给婆婆洗脚,回来陪儿子的时候却见儿子端 妈妈正在给婆婆洗脚,被儿子看到了.当妈妈一转身却看到儿子也端了一盆水,说妈妈洗脚.请高手翻成英文 谁有那个雕牌广告,就是妈妈给婆婆洗脚,被儿子看到了,儿子也帮妈妈洗脚的英文版的简介啊 看过一则故事,爸爸嫌儿子烦,撕了一幅地图让儿子拼,儿子依据背面的头像很快拼好.这个故事的原文是什么 有一则公益广告:一位年轻的妈妈给自己的母亲洗脚,并且告诉老人这样对身体有好处.孩子看见了.写观后感 有一篇文言文讲的是一个母亲答应儿子一件事,却没做到,于是被丈夫教育要给儿子做榜样 儿子给父母洗脚后,父母的感想 有一则公益广告:一位年轻的妈妈给自己的母亲洗脚,并且告诉老人这样对身体有好处.这一切被孩子看见了.正当她准把教孩子洗脚时 有这样一则公益广告:一位年轻的妈妈给自己的母亲洗脚,并告诉老人这样对身体有好处.这一切被孩子看见了.正当她准备叫孩子洗脚 爸爸给儿子讲了3个故事的笑话 求一个古代的故事!讲的是一位母亲编织了一条非常美丽的毯子被天神给抢走了,他的三个儿子都准备去替母亲夺回毯子,但只有一个儿 给妈妈洗脚 公益广告俗话说:“百善孝为先,孝为德之本.”中央电视台一套综合频道的一则公益广告,却每每令我心动.一个稚气十