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英语翻译1.IntroductionElectrostatic precipitators (ESPs) are one

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 21:28:21
Electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) are one of the most commonly employed
particulate control devices for collecting #y ash emissions from boilers,incinerators
and from many other industrial processes.They can operate in a wide range of
gas temperatures achieving high particle collection e$ciency compared with mechanical
devices such as cyclones and bag "lters.The electrostatic precipitation process
involves several complicated and interrelated physical mechanisms:creation
of a non-uniform electric "eld and ionic current in a corona discharge,ionic
and electronic charging of particles moving in combined electro- and hydrodynamic
"elds,and turbulent transport of charged particles to a collection
Generally,the collection e$ciency of ESP decreases as the discharging electrode
and collection plates are contaminated with particulates.Thus,a rapping system is
needed for removing the collected particulates periodically.While there have been
numerous theoretical and experimental studies on particle collection characteristics of
electrostatic precipitators,a relatively small number of the studies addressed the
ects of particle accumulation both at the discharging electrodes and at the collection
plates.Both phenomena are known to in#uence adversely the performance of
electrostatic precipitators.Many researchers,such as Deutsch [1],Cooperman [2],
Leonard et al.[3],Khim et al.[4],Zhibin and Guoquan [5],and Kallio and Stock
[6],conducted particle collection measurements of ESP.However,they concentrated
mostly on the ects of both turbulent mixing and secondary wind in multiwire
single-stage electrostatic precipitators.Speci"cally,Cooperman [2] considered reentrainment
and longitudinal turbulent mixing ects,Leonard et al.[3] the "nite
di!usivity,and Zhibin and Guoquan [7] the non-uniform air velocity pro"le.Among
them,only Zhibin and Guoquan [7] measured the collection e$ciency of a singlestage
ESP covering a wide particle size range.Even though their experimental data
are considered to be practical and useful,their experimental conditions were not
identi"ed clearly.
In the present study,well-de"ned collection e$ciency data for an ESP are presented
covering the particle size range of 0.1}100 lm.The particles used in the present study
came from the Bo-Ryung power plant in Korea.In addition,the ESP performance
was evaluated in terms of optimum operating conditions.Finally,the optimum
rapping conditions were sought under which the rapping e$ciency increases and the
particle re-entrainment decreases.
4 S.H.Kim,K.W.Lee / Journal of Electrostatics 48 (1999) 3}25
Fig.1.Schematic diagram of the wind tunnel for the eight wired single-stage ESP performance test.
英语翻译1.IntroductionElectrostatic precipitators (ESPs) are one
1.的引入静电的引发者(ESP)是最的通常的雇用微粒的控制手段用于收集从锅炉,焚化炉和从很多其它工业的过程#y灰烬发出的装置之一.他们能在 e$ciency 把大范围的取得高粒子收集的气体温度和例如气旋和袋 lters 的机械装置比较的中动手术.静电的陡然下降的过程涉及几因使复杂化和使相互联系物理机械装置:收费的提议进入合并电镀和水力老年的粒子和一收集表面狂暴的运输到装上弹药的粒子的创造一不统一的电老年和在一电晕中当前,离子的和电子离子的.通常,作为发射电极和收集器皿的 ESP 减少的收集 e$ciency 被用微粒污染.因此,一畅谈系统被为周期性地从去除收集微粒需要.与此同时已经有在静电的引发者的粒子收集特征上的许多理论上和实验研究,一相对说来少量的研究既在发射电极方面也在收集器皿旁给粒子积累的 e!ects 写上地址.在两方面同样地现象被向 in#uence 知道不友好地静电的引发者的表现.例如 Deutsch[1〕的很多研究者,Cooperman〔2〕,伦纳德等等〔3〕,Khim 等等〔4〕,Zhibin 和 Guoquan[5〕和 Kallio 和 Stock[6〕进行 ESP 的粒子收集度量.但是,他们大部分专心致志在多重电报独身舞台静电的引发者身上的在两方面同样地狂暴与混合和相对次要风的 e!ects 上.Speci“cally,Cooperman[2〕等等把带走和长度的狂暴与混合看作 e!ects,伦纳德〔3〕晚上 di!usivity 和 Zhibin 和 Guoquan[7〕赞成”le 的不统一的空气速度.在他们中间,仅 Zhibin 和 Guoquan[7〕测量一单级的 ESP 的收集 e$ciency 用盖住一个宽阔粒子大小范围.尽管,他们的实验数据被认为是是实际和有用他们的实验状况不清楚是 identi ed.在目前研究,对顺利从小流氓收集中为一 ESP 的 e$ciency 数据被展示用盖住0.1 100 lm 的粒子大小范围.在目前研究中使用粒子的来自在朝鲜的 Bo Ryung 发电厂.此外,ESP 表现被按照最适的运作状况作为评价.最后,最适的畅谈状况被在其之下为寻找畅谈 e$ciency 的增加和粒子带走减少.静电学48的4 S.H.Kim,K.W.李/的杂志1999 25图1.为八的风洞的图表的简图给单一的舞台 ESP 操作测验装配电气线路.