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求翻译这篇文章并且给出正确答案 请帮帮忙
求翻译这篇文章并且给出正确答案 请帮帮忙
假设你在秋天的早晨出去丛林中散步, 在吸够了寒冷的新鲜空气后,回家后,发现你的毛裤子黏满了刺蒺藜。然后,你会怎么做?和大多数人一样,你可能会花好一些时间去把这些刺蒺藜从裤子拔下,说它们多讨厌。然而,乔治德梅斯特拉尔并非如此。他觉得刺蒺藜如何能紧紧地钩住他的裤子,他用显微镜仔细地检查其中一粒,发现它布满了小刺或小钩。后来,他把他的发现应用在自己的“毛刺勾魔术贴”的发明上,那是一种强力粘扣带。不独乔治德梅斯特拉尔从大自然获取巧妙的灵感。事实上,许多其他的发明家正从大自然——世上最好的工程师——学习,大自然巧妙的的设计不应该被当作是理所当然的,而应被视为发明的一重要来源。
Suppose you took a walk in the woods one autumn morning. After you had enough of the cold fresh air, you returned home with numerous burs sticking to your woolen pants. Then what would you do? You would probably, like most people, spend some time removing those burs from your pants, saying what disgusting things they are. Yet, this is not the case with George de Mestral. Amazed at how stubbornly the burs fixed to his pants, he carefully examined one of them under a microscope and found it covered with prickles or little hooks. Later, he applied his discovery of the burs' hook to his invention of Velcro, a fastening material. George de Mestral was not the only person to get brilliant ideas from nature. In fact, many other inventors are looking for what they can learn from Mother Nature, the best engineer of all, whose designs should not be taken for granted, but rather be appreciated as a great source of invention.