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英语翻译One of the more visible manipulations is that of visual

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/22 18:27:12
One of the more visible manipulations is that of visual perspectives.These techniques allow Disney to improve upon natural optics.For example,ninety degree corners are less prevalent on Main Street sidewalks.Instead,intersections and building edges are more rounded.These are perceived as less rigid,less threatening,and therefore more conducive to a comfortable visitor experience (Koenig,1994).Another well known technique,commonly used in film set design,is that of forced perspectives:whereby tall objects are scaled down so as to not be as over-powering.Along Main Street the first floor is 9/10ths the scale of original scale,the second floor 7/8ths,and the third floor 5/8ths of the original.Similarly,the many castles,the steam train,and the riverboat are all smaller versions of the original.Even the trees on the side of the ‘Matterhorn’ are progressively stunted the further up the mountain they are planted.As with any theatrical exaggeration,if done well,the visitor will readily accept the manipulation as ‘natural’.Bright (1987) points out a similar effect on the ride system where "you only have a few seconds to say something about a figure through your art.So,we exaggerate their features,especially the facial
features,so they can be quickly and easily understood from a distance....We try to provide the illusion of life" (p.195).The speed at which you travel through a scene,as in many Hollywood films,reduces the very likelihood the visitor will question the reality presented.(Bryman,1995).
Disney takes extra effort to please and entertain.The visitor is kept from being bored,from serious introspection,or even from deconstructing the experience.Disney is one of the experts at crowd management.Visual magnets,(‘weinies’ in Disney parlance),such as castles,are seen at the end of each thoroughfare to draw you on.Disney characters serve as a similar,mobile attractant to help disperse crowds.Negative reinforcement is utilized to keep people on track,as Nigro (1997) explains:
The pretty landscaped roads with good signage welcomes guests,but a wrong turn onto service roads and there’s a subtle shift — plain vegetation,no signs,turnaround areas.You get the idea you’re not supposed to be here,but in keeping with the friendly atmosphere there are no signs that shout ‘Keep Out’.(p.95)
Further probing by the visitor will inevitably bring on an encounter with a costumed,security guard to guide the visitor back onto the prescribed path.
英语翻译One of the more visible manipulations is that of visual
一个比较明显的操纵,可视角度.这些技术允许迪士尼改善自然光学.例如,九十度角较普遍的大街上的人行道.相反,交叉和边缘圆形建筑.这些被视为刚性较差,没有威胁,因此更有利于舒适的访客经验(科尼格,1994).另一个众所周知的技术,常用于电影集设计,是被迫的观点:即高物体缩小以不一样的功效.在主街道的一楼是9/ 10规模的原始规模,二楼7 /8ths,和第三层5 /8ths的原.同样,许多城堡,蒸汽火车,和船上所有版本的小原.连树上的“山峰”逐步阻碍进一步上山,他们种植.正如任何戏剧性夸张,如果做得好,客人会欣然接受操纵的「自然」.明(1987)指出,类似的影响的系统,“你只有几秒钟,说一个图通过您的艺术.所以,我们夸大其功能,特别是面部功能,使他们能够迅速和容易理解的距离.……我们尝试提供生活的幻想”(195页).速度,你的旅行通过一个场景,因为在许多好莱坞电影,很可能会减少客人的现实提出问题.(布莱恩,1995).迪士尼需要额外的努力,请和娱乐.游客一直被无聊,从认真反思,甚至从解构的经验.迪士尼是一个专家在人群管理.视觉磁铁,('weinies在迪士尼的说法),如城堡,是在每个通道吸引你.迪士尼人物作为一个类似的,移动引诱帮助驱散人群.负强化是利用人们保持轨道上,如尼格罗(1997)解释:美丽的景观道路的标志欢迎客人,但错拐到服务的道路,并有一个微妙的转变-平原植被,没有迹象,周转区.你的想法,你不应该在这里,但在与友好的气氛也没有迹象表明,喊'保持'.(95页)进一步探索的访问者将不可避免地导致遇到一位盛装打扮,安全防范指导访问者返回到指定的路径