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百度百科里就有的   Radio message from the President of the United States: …And make no mistake, My Fellow Americans, we are at war for our very survival. And so it is with great sadness but greater resolve that tonight I have signed an executive order quarantining New York City. God be with us…   来自于美国总统的无线电消息:……请不要混淆视听,我的美国同胞们,我们在为生存而战。今天晚上,我怀着非常痛苦和悲伤的心情,不过这可能是唯一的解决方法,我要下令封锁纽约市。上帝保佑我们……   Robert Neville: My name is Robert Neville. I am a survivor living in New York City. If there is   anybody out there…anybody. Please. You are not alone.   罗伯特•奈维尔:我叫罗伯特•奈维尔,我是一个生活在纽约市的幸存者,如果这里还有其他人……任何人。请回答我,因为你不是孤单一个人。   Robert Neville: I am a survivor living in New York City…I can provide food. I can provide shelter. I can provide security.   罗伯特•奈维尔:我是纽约市的一个幸存者……我能够提供食物、藏身之处,我能够提供给你需要的安全。   Robert Neville: I can help. I can fix this. Let me save you. I can save you; I can save everybody.   罗伯特•奈维尔:我能提供帮助,我能治好它。让我去救你吧,我能够拯救你的生命,我能够拯救每一个人。   Robert Neville: Nothing happened the way it was supposed to happen. We are seeing mutations. Cannabalistic hunger. Typical human behavior is now entirely absent.   罗伯特•奈维尔:任何事都没有按照它应该遵循的轨迹。我们看见了变化,那是一种只有人肉才能制止的饥渴,典型的人类行为现在完全没有了。   Robert Neville: Six billion people on Earth when the infection hit.   罗伯特•奈维尔:当病毒开始扩散的时候,地球上有60亿的人口。   Robert Neville: I will be at the South Street Seaport everyday, at midday, when the sun is highest in the sky.   罗伯特•奈维尔:我每天都会去南街海港,当太阳位于正中间的正午,我都会等在那里。   Robert Neville: Good morning, Hank!   罗伯特•奈维尔:汉克,早上好!   Robert Neville: God didn't do this. We did!   罗伯特•奈维尔:上帝不会这么做,是我们做的!   Robert Neville: Come on Sam, we gotta go.   罗伯特•奈维尔:来吧,萨姆,我们得走了。   Robert Neville: I haven't seen another person in three years. If there is anybody out there. Anybody. Please.   罗伯特•奈维尔:三年来,我再没有见过除我之外的人类,如果有人听到我的话,任何人,求你回答我。   Robert Neville: Day one thousand and one. I am still unable to transfer my immunity to infected hosts.   罗伯特•奈维尔:第1001天,我仍然没办法把我身体里的免疫力,转移给被感染的人体。   Robert Neville: I'm not gonna let this happen.   罗伯特•奈维尔:我不会让这种事发生。   Robert Neville: Light up the darkness.   罗伯特•奈维尔:照亮黑暗吧。
再问: 学霸,还有好词和影评呢\^O^/
再答: 假如,你是最后一个人类,在纽约,在地球上,什么滋味?你和唯一的伴,你的狗,只有白天出来,在荒草中的时代广场猎鹿,什么劲头?天色一晚,狂犬病般的曾经人类,窜出来了,窜上来吃你,什么结果?这就是《我是传奇》的科幻电影(来自52年前的科幻小说,地球上最后一人)的景象。地球上60亿人口,因治愈癌症的药物繁殖成毒素,百分之90死亡,剩下的百分之90成了狂犬类人(假如你还能管这些动物叫人),以剩下的几口子人当食物。不仅是纽约,包括巴黎,莫斯科,肯定北京上海也算上,全都荒芜人迹了。 我是传奇》这部电影中,出现过多次蝴蝶,但是始终没有交代蝴蝶到底是什么含义。 第一次, 是在送妻子和女儿离开纽约的路上的时候,女儿曾说过一次“蝴蝶”; 第二次, 是内维尔和萨姆在玉米地时候曾有一只蝴蝶出现 第三次, 是最后他们被变异的僵尸困在实验室里的时候,僵尸撞击玻璃而形成的形似蝴 蝶的裂纹,使内维尔想起了女儿曾经说过的“蝴蝶”,回头看见了安娜脖子上的蝴蝶图案。 同样的还是蝴蝶,在未公布的另一个结尾的场景中,换成了僵尸在玻璃上用手按出了一个蝴蝶样子的手印,使内维尔想起了做实验的女僵尸的背后也有一个蝴蝶蝴蝶在这部电影中出现过如此多的次数,可见注定有着不可忽视的含义。在人心惶惶的末世内维尔对妻子和女儿的情感;在孤独世界里内维尔对唯一陪伴他活下来的萨姆的情感;在最后发现成功的血清时候对于安娜的希望;甚至连僵尸头对于女僵尸的情感;这些都代表某种承载着别人的情感或希望的人或物所特有的标志。要让人们始终都拥有希望始终都保留情感的精神,也许这就是导演多次使用蝴蝶的含义吧! 影片从各个角度表现了will的孤独,影碟店里的自言自语,每天到码头的广播,偌大的水池边的钓鱼……一个人面对整个世界的孤独,一个人面对黑暗的惧怕。好在有sam。不管在什么电影当中,忠犬的运用是必须小心谨慎的,一不小心,就会让主角黯然失色,这部片子就给了我们一个经典案例看到超级乖巧的sam那精湛的表演时,我激动得说不出话,特别是will生日那天,在车里和sam的对话,直到sam死去……主人必须亲手杀死自己唯一的朋友,唯一了解自己的人,是一件多么疼苦的事情啊。。。。。。看到后来sam永远都吃不到的罐头 ,了解到will老是让sam吃蔬菜的情节是为何以后,一向来爱护动物的我,忍不住要流下眼泪,虽然那时候sam已经消失很久了。。。。。。
再答: 整个世界像是座空城,罗伯特是个孤独的城市猎人。曾经繁华的纽约如今是长满荒草的废城,在空无一人的白天,有野鹿在街道上奔跑跳跃。绝大部分的人类由于过强的紫外线而死亡,由于使用治疗癌症的病毒发生变异,部分剩下的人类也都变成嗜血的夜行僵尸,除了对病毒免疫的罗伯特,以及与陪伴他的大狗Sam。他们每个白天都徘徊在这座孤城,找寻极小可能性的生还者。 影片的前半部分是史密斯一个人的电影,如果不是导演对电影有极强的驾驭能力,恐怕很少有人能耐着性子看一部没多少剧情的独角戏。幸好导演是很厉害的,史密斯也是很强的,就算这部像独角戏般的电影也能让人很兴奋和震撼。史密斯的表演才能在这里发挥得淋漓尽致,最让我欣赏的一段是他在书店看到一个漂亮女孩时的情景。书店里有各种真人般大小的模特,有收银员、顾客甲乙丙...还有书架前瞟向CD盒的女孩。当罗伯特看到这个漂
再答: 求采纳哦!
再问: 影评。。。是英文的,汗哒哒,还有。。。好词在哪里
再问: 你的回答完美的解决了我的问题,谢谢!
再答: To the 摩登 eye, the plot for the 1954 Richard Matheson novel I Am Legend might sound something like Cast Away with zombies. Truth be told, that"s not a terrible premise, and Constantine director Francis Lawrence runs with it in this third film adaptation of the novel (and first to keep its title). Where he takes it may not always work, but he makes sure we enjoy the ride. Will Smith plays Robert Neville, a virologist investigating a genetically engineered cure for cancer that has gone very, very wrong. With most of the world"s population wiped out and a small remnant turned into ravenous, infected carriers, Neville ekes out a lonely existence with only a dog for company in the remains of New York City, hunting, foraging, and exploring by day and shutting himself in at night. The infected, as it turns out, are vulnerable to ultraviolet light. Through flashbacks we see how Neville came to be in this predicament, and how he dedicated himself to finding a cure. Part of that involves capturing infected humans for testing. In doing so, he incurs the wrath of one of the local CHUDs and Neville soon finds out that these creatures are not as dumb as they look. At first, the film wrings plenty of scares out of Neville"s encounters and does a good job of revealing the monsters bit by bit, but once displayed, their CGI-ness is hard to ignore. By the time they"re in full-on assault mode, they resemble nothing so much as zombified versions of the I, Robot androids, right down to their wall-scaling and coordinated attacks. This makes for exciting action sequences, but dials down the horror quotient considerably. Smith, for his part, does a superb job of communicating the pathos and desperation of the last man on Earth. His slow disintegration into madness is su变态ly evoked, and in one particularly emotional scene he handles one of the most tired clichés of the zombie genre with genuine depth. The script gives him plenty of help, at first. Screenwriters 马克
再问: 谢了