作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 15:32:39
1、Mr Smith set off at 7:30 and ____ the office at 8:00.
A.went B.arrived C.got D.reached
2.I have two pencils.One is red,and ____ is black.
A.another B.the other C.others D.other
3.Do you read an English magazine ____
A.everyday B.every day C.today D.tomorrow
4.I wanted to know whether we ____ WenZhou Middle School the next day.
A.would visit B.will visit C.visit D.visited
5.When di you buy the novel?
The day before yesterday.I____it for about 3 days.
A.bought B.buy C.have had D.have bought
6.A lot of things have happened in the village____ you left in 1985.
A.after B.before C.for D.since
7.If you ____here on time tomorrow,I'll write to your father.
A.won't be B.don't be C.aren't D.can't
8.His grandpa ____for 10 years.
A.has been dead B.has died C.was dead D.died
9.A stranger was seen____away the lady's handbag.
A.to take B.take C.took D.had taken
10.-Hello!Is that Mr Wang speaking?-Yes,______?
A.who's that B.who are you C.I'm speaking D.I'm Mr Wang
11.The excellent student ____3 prizes by the end of last year.
A.win B.wins C.has won D.had won
D1、Mr Smith set off at 7:30 and ____ the office at 8:00.
A.went B.arrived C.got D.reached
解析:很明显本句后句语意为“八点到办公室”(set off 是出发的意思),那么表示到达就有三种基本表达方式,即关于arrive,get,reach的短语(go不用于表“到达”之意,go为“走、去”之意,所以首先排除A答案),下面我一一为你解析.
arrive到达,它是不及物动词(我不知道你懂不懂什么叫不及物动词,什么叫及物动词,如果需要我讲,就再提问.算了我不准确地跟你说一下,及物动词就是一个动词后面可以直接跟宾语,例如“Can you see me?”“see”就是一个及物动词,它后面直接跟了一个”me(me就是这句话的宾语,直接跟在see后面)”,两个词中间没有用介词;再看下面一个例子“Look at me!”这里的“look”就是不及物动词,因为它和“me”之间用“at”介词连接,而没有直接跟“me”,所以这类词叫不及物动词.), arrive有两种短语搭配形式1.arrive in somewhere +大地方(例如:arrive in Beijing,America……到达北京、美国);2.arrive at+小地方(例如:arrive at a shop、an airport到达商店、机场……).所以到达办公室应用arrive at the office.所以B排除.
get也是不及物动词,表到达某地时应用get to somewhere,必须用“to”连接,即 “get to the office”,所以C错.
reach是及物动词可以直接跟地点,reach+somewhere,所以到达办公室就为“reach the office”,根据时态变化用一般过去时,所以选D.
B2.I have two pencils. One is red, and ____ is black.
A.another B.the other C.others D.other
先说the other§1.表示两个事物(两者)中的另一个(是唯一的).例如:I have two brothers,one is a teacher,the other is a doctor.(“我有两个弟弟,一个是老师,另外一个是医生.”这里的另一个就是剩下的唯一一个,即这个医生.)§2.表示将事物看作两个整体,其中的另外一个整体.例如:There are five apples,one is red,the other apples are
green.“五个苹果中,一个是黑的,剩下的另外四个『都是(这是重点)』绿的.”这里将五个苹果看作一个整体,将红的作为一个整体,剩下的『所有(这是重点)』苹果都为绿色.即the other是指剩下来的【所有】事物.如果这句话the other换作other意思就改变了.我等下再跟你讲为什么.接着再讲一个重点就是the others的用法,其实很简单,the others就=the other+一个名词复数,是一种缩写形式,例如刚才那个句子中的the other apples 就=the others,这个句子可改为“There are five apples,one is red,the others are green.”再举几个例子,根据语境这个名词可以换成很多词the others=the other people、books、countries(国家)……再造个句There‘re ten men,one is hardworking,the other people『指剩下的【所有】九个人』(=the others) are lazy.
而other表示反泛指的另外的.何为泛指?就是指意不明,这需要和the other进行区别.我刚才说了the other所说的另外的是指剩下的所有,而other则不是,它是指剩下的部分而不一定是全部,而这部分有多少是不明确的!就拿“There are five apples,one is red,the other apples are green.”来举例,如果这句话the other换作other,句子意思由原来的“剩下的另外四个『都是(重点)』绿的”而变为“剩下的另外的为绿的(这里剩下为绿的就不是只剩下所有四个了,可以是一个,也可以是两个,也可以是三个,也可能是全部,所以是不确切的.)”另外举个例“In our class,some boys like playing football,(the)other boys like playing basketball.”(如果用the other则表示“除了一些爱踢足球,另外剩下的 [所有]人【都】喜欢打蓝球”;若用other则表示“除了一些爱踢足球,另外的一些人喜欢打蓝球”这里不表示剩下的所有男生都喜欢打篮球,而是说剩下之中有男生打蓝球但不是所有.再说明白点,就说班上有30个男生,假如有15个男生喜欢踢足球,用the other就是指剩下所有另外的15个人都爱打篮球,但用other就不是指所有,可能有1个,2个,3个,……13个,14个,15个.)然后有一点,others的用法和the others一样,就相当于others=other+一个名词复数,例如“other boys就=others”
§other经常与some连用,“some……other……”表示一些……另一些……(在人教版教材GO FOR IT有一课讲旅游的,好像是埃及金字塔、骆驼什么的,出现过这个句型.)
Another则是指另外一个.§1.一般用于购买物品因尺寸,颜色等原因需要调换东西时用.例如“This skirt is too small,can you show me another one?”§2.表示三者或三者以上以上的另一个,例如:“I have 3
sisters,one is a nurse,another is a policewoman,another is a teacher.”当然还有其他用法,我就不一一举例了.
B3.Do you read an English magazine ____ ?
A.everyday B.every day C. today D. tomorrow
解析:根据句意“你每天看报吗?”可排除C、D两个选项.此题重点是区别写在一起的everyday和分开写的every day的区别.
Everyday是一个词,是一个形容词,表示“每天的, 日常的, 平常的, 平凡的”例如:everyday(=daily每日的) English每日英语
every day是两个词构成的,表示每天.例如I go to school every day.我每天都要去上学.
A4.I wanted to know whether we ____ WenZhou Middle School the next day.
A. would visit B.will visit C.visit D.visited
解析:这句话是个宾语从句,先从句意理解应该是用将来时,所排除C、D答案(因为有个很明显的the next day).
在宾语从句中,由if或whether引导的宾语从句,前后时态是一致的, 因为主句是用的wanted(一般过去时)所以 从句就应该用一般过去进行时,因此will visit就应该是would visit,所以答案应该选A.
C5.When did you buy the novel?
The day before yesterday. I____it for about 3 days.
A.bought B.buy C. have had D. have bought
解析:这也是一个重难点,在表示拥有某物一段时间时一般用“I have kept/had ……for/about……(时间)”这是固定用法.
D6.A lot of things have happened in the village____ you left in 1985.
A. after B.before C.for D.since
7.If you ____here on time tomorrow,I'll write to your father.
A.won't be B.don't be C. aren't D.can't
解析:这是一个条件状语从句,而且很明显是个“主将从现”,何谓“主将从现”,即主句为一般将来时,从句为一般现在时.这句话“I'll write to your father.
”是主句,“If you ____here on time tomorrow”是从句,所以应该用一般现在时,排除A.
根据句意可知为“如果你明天不准时到,我就会写信告诉你爸爸”,要表达“到”,如果用can’t 必须加“be”才行,所以排除D.
A8.His grandpa ____for 10 years.
A.has been dead B.has died C.was dead D.died
解析:“for +时间”是一个明显的引导时间段的完成时,所以排除C、D.而“他爷爷死了十年”是一个状态,而不是一个动作(要是是一个动作,哪个人死要死十年?肯定一下就死了,怎么会十年一直都在死呢?),所以应该选一个标状态的选项.A、B中,A“have been done”表状态,B“have done”表动作,所以答案应该选A.
A9.A stranger was seen____away the lady's handbag.
A.to take B.take C.took D.had taken
解析:这道题考的很好,首先它考察了see的用法.我先讲一讲see sb do和see sb doing的区别和用法.
§see sb do是看某见人做某事的意思,它强调的是“看某人完成了整个动作,而不是只看一眼”.例如:I saw him water the flowers yesterday.“我昨天看见他浇花”,这意思是说我看见他浇花的整个过程,而不是只看了一眼.
§see sb doing就是看见某人正在做某事的意思,强调某一瞬间看见某人正在做的事.例如:I saw them playing basketball when I passed the playground.“当我路过操场时,我看见他们正在打蓝球.”这里就是看见一瞬间,不指看他们打蓝球整个过程.
你应该知道某些词,如:see,hear,make, let等与动词连用都有……+sb+do sth的用法,例如:
§I saw her wash dishes.
§She heard the baby cry.
§He made them work ten hours a day.
§My mother let me go with him.
但这些句子表被动时,“……+sb+do sth”这个结构中,“do sth”要变为“to do sth”的形式(let是唯一一个例外,它不变),就拿上面的句子举例.
§She was seen 【to】 wash dishes (by me).
§ The baby was heard【to】cry(by her).
§They are made 【to】 work ten hours a day (by him).
§I was let[不加to]go with him(by my mother).
再回到题上,句意为“一个陌生人被看到偷了那个小姐的手提包”,从see的区别上课排除C、D,因为see没有see sb did/had done sth的用法.
所以就只剩下see sb do sth的结构可选,即在A、B中选,而这句话是个被动语态,结合我讲的第二点,就可以判断应该选A.
C10.-Hello! Is that Mr Wang speaking? -Yes,______?
A.who's that B.who are you C.I'm speaking D.I'm Mr Wang
11.The excellent student ____3 prizes by the end of last year.
A.win B.wins C.has won D.had won
解析:这道题若要用专业方式讲你会糊涂,你就这样记,只要看到“by the end of……”就一定是【一般过去完成时】,需要用had done sth的结构,这道题不例外,应该是had won sth,所以选D.
这里给你说一道关于“by the end of ”的经典例题.
§He _____1000 words by the end of this term(学期).
A.has learned B.learned
C.had learned D. learns