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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 20:29:36
塔里木河不仅仅是一条纯粹的河流,而是整个亚洲腹地的地理、历史和文化的血脉,浩瀚的沙海之中,被埋的古城、沉没的驼队和迷失的历史还在沉睡,它们在等待那千年之后的缘分,等待着与发现者相会.Tarim River is not just a pure river but the blood vessel of the whole of Asian geography,history and culture.There are buried ancient city,sunken camel team and lost history still sleeping In the vast sea of sand,they are waiting for the Millennium fate,waiting the encounter with discoverer
请翻译润色为好,尤其是There are buried ancient city,sunken camel team and lost history still sleeping In the vast sea of sand这句的说法和整体之间的构成关系,看看要不要改一下,怎么改好
The Tarim is not just one of those rivers,but the blood vessel lying at the heart of the entire Asian geography,history and culture.There are ancient cities,sunken camel trains and lost history buried deep and awaiting the long due rendezvous with their explorer.
The Tarim is not just one of those rivers,but the blood vessel lying at the heart of the entire Asian geography,history and culture.The ancient cities,sunken camel trains and lost history are still buried deep under the vast expanse of the desert,await the long due rendezvous with their explorer.
原文里面指的是亚洲的腹地,而不是整个亚洲,这点需要体现出来,所以我用了at the heart.要说是整个亚洲似乎就有点过了.