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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 12:50:34
大约从公元前5世纪开始,凯尔特人即已经进占不列颠,公元43年罗马皇帝克劳迪乌斯出动四万大军入侵不列颠,并征服了英格兰大部.这一方面将罗马拉丁文带入了不列颠岛,另一方面同化了凯尔特语,使之也成为不列颠岛语言的一大基础.公元407年,内外交困的罗马帝国退出不列颠,公元449年西北欧的盎格鲁(Anglo)、萨克森(Saxon)和朱特(Jutes)三个日尔曼蛮族部落入侵英格兰,用了约150年征服不列颠,史称“条顿人的征服” 而英语与德语在语言发展上的血缘近似,也始于日尔曼语对的不列颠岛的涌入.——请将上文译为英语,谢绝机器翻译.多谢帮忙!
Probably started from the 5th century B.C.,Celts namely already occupied Britain,A.D.43 year Rome emperor the Crowdy Uzbekistan and Sri Lanka sets out 40,000 armies to invade Britain,and has conquered English big.On the one hand the Roman Latin will have led the British island,on the other hand has assimilated the Kaierte language,causes it also to become the British island language a big foundation.A.D.407 years,the beset with difficulties both at home and abroad Roman Empire withdraws from Britain,west a.D.449 years Northern Europe Anglo (Anglo),Saxon (Saxon) and Zhu Te (Jutes) three Rierman uncivilized nationalities tribe invades England,used the approximately 150 years to conquer Britain,the history calls “teuton person's conquer”,but English and German were approximate in the language development's blood relationship,also began in the Rierman language to British island emerging.