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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/28 19:26:54
Like a glass of seven colors and shoot the light and shade, each of us has all have different strengths. Some schoolmates, talent, further leading intelligent, With some heart hand, only few art; less But I? I have a kind of stupid, because I care to help yourself.
  Forget one day after the old, I put no home, then teach to ever pay far Chen. I slowly hurried out legal idle word, suddenly, I invented a green silk behind will face with wrinkles under small grandma, revenge? This is not the 13th floor Yang grandma? She came out of the basket of a small effort is always slow vegetables, lost war, waist is difficult to turn up quickly, and her face was streaming out a flow of surface and a rain of fire sweat. This - to that kind of situation, I very little sympathy, grandma to read aloud: "to the auxiliary small dish, grandma came to wild when uriah will not see five feet down into the night; besides, I borrowed much homework to do. But if I didn't help idle, Yang grandma will be difficult, very lack, could she go steps will not quiet." First, I will assist Yang grandma. Up her mind Pure zhi.
英语作文助人为乐是中华名族的优良传统.你在生活中或学习中是否帮助过别人,也曾接受过别人的帮助吗?学校英文广播站正在开展以 在学习和生活中,你一定得到过别人的帮助,你也一定帮助过别人,请以"帮助"为题,写一件事.作文.急 在学习和生活中,你一定得到过别人的帮助,你也一定帮助过别人,请以“帮助”为题,写一件事.作文 在学习和生活中,你一定得到过别人的帮助,你也一定帮助过别人.请以“帮助”为题,写一篇文章,300字左右. 作文:写关于在生活中你帮助别人或别人帮助你的事 生活中,你得到过别人的帮助或帮助过别人吗?当时的情景怎样?你的心情如何?请写下来.(50字以内) 你在生活中接受过别人的帮助吗?写一篇300字左右的短文,表达学了《盲孩子与他的影子的感受》 你试过把微笑送给别人吗,或你曾接受过别人的微笑吗?写一写自己的经历 英语作文关于帮助他人内容包括:你认为应该在什么情况下帮助他人;你为别人做过什么;你帮助别人后的体会或感受,80词左右.语 在生活中是否也曾经有人指导帮助鼓舞鞭策···过呢,让你在学习,生活中得到很大的启发与收获? 写一个英语感谢便条生活中你肯定接受过别人的礼物或帮助,咱们应学会感恩,你的好朋友lLucy邀请你一起去航空博物馆,你们度 写一篇关于学习英语曾帮助过你学习的事物的英语作文,还望附带翻译