作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 22:59:08
be at a stand 停顿 Business is at a stand now. 现在生意萧条
make a stand 1. 进行抵抗 2. 停下
stand about 闲立着
Stand aside 站开,躲开, 不做事, (竞选时)退出
stand back 1. 退后 2. 不参与
★stand for 1. 代表;象征 2. 主张;支持,拥护
stand off 避开 He tried to stand off his creditors. 他试图避开债主.
stand on 1. 依靠;依据 2. v.继续同一方向的航行
stand out 1. 坚持 2. 引人注目,脱颖而出
stand out for 坚决要求 They were standing out for higher wages. 他们坚持要增加工资. stand over 延期 The project is to stand over till next year. 这项工程将延后到明年.
★stand to 遵守 A man should stand to his promise. 一个男子汉应该信守诺言.
★ stand up 1. 起立 2. 经久耐用
stand up for 支持;维护
stand up to 勇敢地面对 The businessmen must stand up to the gang extortionists. 商人必须勇敢面对帮派的勒索.
Stand up to the bully and he won't dare to hurt you. 勇敢地面对那个混混,以后他就不敢再伤害你了.
The little girl stood up to a bully. 小女孩勇敢地对付暴徒.
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