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英语翻译Salvador Dali Salvador Dali was one of the most interest

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 15:22:15
Salvador Dali
Salvador Dali was one of the most interesting and unusual painters of all time.He was born in Spain in 1904 and began painting when he was a child.His mother gave him a room in the family home to paint in.in 1921 he went to study at the San Fernando Royal Academy of Fine Arts.He quickly made friend with other painters there.He did very well at the Academy.However,most people didn’t remember his paintings; they remembered his strange clothes and ways.
While he was there he read a famous book about dreams by Sigmund Freud.Freud said that dreams were very important in our lives.After reading this book,Dali painted strange pictures that looked like dreams.They often showed empty deserts with unusual things in them – like melting watches and faces.This kind of painting was called Surrealism.Dali and other painters like him were called Surrealism
Dali did not only paint pictures.He made clothes and short movies as well.He also drew pictures for books and made jewels.He loves people watching him.He was always doing unusual things outside his house.People came and watched him.Once he made an egg as big as a man,and put red liquid into it,when he broke it open,the red liquid,which looked like blood,came out of it.Dali said this meant the beginning of life.Dali was still painting when he was eighty.He was so famous that people bought his paintings even while he was still painting them.He died in 1989.
英语翻译Salvador Dali Salvador Dali was one of the most interest
萨尔瓦多达利一直以来是最有趣的和不寻常的画家之一.他于1904年出生于西班牙,在孩提时他就开始绘画.她妈妈分给了他一间房间专门用于做画.在1921年,他进入到圣费尔南多皇家美术学院学习.他很快就和学院里别的画家成为了朋友.在学院里,他做的非常好.不过,大多数人不记得他的画,他们记得他奇怪的衣服和习惯. 然而他在那里读过一本关于梦想的很著名的书,它是由弗洛伊德写的.弗洛伊德说,在我们的生命中梦想是非常重要的.达利画了一些奇怪的图片,看上去像梦.他们往往表明,空洞的沙漠与不寻常的事情像熔化的手表和面孔.这种画被称为超现实主义.达利和其他画家一样,他被称为超现实主义画家.
达利不仅仅做画,他还制做衣服和拍摄短片,以及.他还为书籍及取得的首饰做插图.他喜欢人们关注他.他总是在他的房子外面做不寻常的事情.人们来就可以看到他.曾经他作出了一个鸡蛋大的一名男子,并把红色的液体倒入,当他打破了它开始倒时,那红色的液体,看上去像血,从鸡蛋里流出来的.达利说,这意味着的生命的开始.当达利80岁时,他仍在绘画 .他是如此的著名的人以至于人们买他的画直到他仍然为他们做画时.他1989年去世.
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