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英语翻译Life is most precious,but love beyond it.For the ".Do yo

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 22:19:54
Life is most precious,but love beyond it.For the ".Do you know the rest of the quote?The ages of mine:I am according to my life experience,so Life is short,just enjoy every precious moment I own.I am according to my work experience,so I stop working now,and laugh with all my heart.I am according to my birth,so I appreciate every day,and love with all my heart.I am according to my physical condition,so I keep working on my body,and live with all my heart.I am according to my ...,so are you compatible with me,and like to joint me to stay young with all our heart ogether?
英语翻译Life is most precious,but love beyond it.For the
生命诚可贵,爱情价更高...你知道这省略号的意义吗?我的一生:人生的历练让我知道,人的一生是极其短暂的,请享受当下; 工作的经历让我明白,停止现在的工作,在心里放声的笑; 我的诞生,让我感谢每一天,并且热爱我内心里的所以东西; 生活的需要,我坚持工作,按照我内心的想法.我的.所以你认同并能接受我的一切吗?并且让我们心一起青春飞扬.