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中级微观经济学题目The United States imports about half of its petrole

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 23:23:09
The United States imports about half of its petroleum needs.Suppose that the rest of the oil producers are willing to supply as much oil as the United States wants at a constant price of $25 a barrel.What would happen to the price of domestic oil if a tax of $5 a barrel were placed on foreign oil?
中级微观经济学题目The United States imports about half of its petrole
以common sense判断的话,国内油价应该上升吧.因为国外油价贵了,对进口石油需求可能减少,而国内石油需求增加.供小于求,则价格上升.仅供参考哈~
再问: 答案是价格会变成30,但是没有解释,我想知道为什么变成30?
再答: 这是怎样的一个市场呢,如果是竞争比较充分的话,经过供给和需求相互作用,最终会达到一个均衡,这时价格就成了均衡价格,即国内外油价一致,均为30。当有其他因素产生时,再次循环这个过程。 感觉是这样,你要不再等等其他答案吧O(∩_∩)O~