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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/04 13:22:35
While supply is likely to exceed demand in 2009,Hopefluent expects new home sale volumes to rise 20-33%y-o-y to~6.5-7.2m sqm GFA with a limited price cuts.Hopefluent estimates that a total of 80,000units will be available for sale(30k units from unsold inventory and 50k units of new supply),which is higher than the demand of 60,000units in 2008.New home supply will be dominated by small-to-mid-sized units with>50%supply coming from units with a size of5
然供应可能超过需求预计在2009年Hopefluent新房销售数量增加到20 - 33%y-o-y ~ 6.5 - 7.2m平方米降价联合会,有限…Hopefluent估计共80,000units将出售单位(30k,就是从售出单位库存),这是新供应的需求比在2008年的60,000units…新房供应将会主导small-to-mid-sized单位50%supply >来自部队的规模90sqm联合会Hopefluent预测,ASP的新房子就下来by10%y-o-y RMB8,500 /平方米,在广州今年一个城市定位和项目,以合理的价格水平应该看到强大的需求例如,400units在光大花园区,一个市区海珠,每天在ASP违反- 12000 /平方米在2009年2月.
在北京Hopefluent更降价出售库存估计在北京将> 24个月内清除(基于2008盘外率),这是最高的重点城市这些,连同从公有住房供给将北京住房价格在实质性的压力大约850万平方米的公共住宅发展联合会在未来三年内,其中200平方米联合会将会在2009年完成这也代表了一些市场需求总量的12%,而不是在2007年太小不能忽视近日,香港,没有了754合生创展(额定)削减了48个单位在盛大ASP在朝阳区,那downdown位置,高达30%至RMB16,000 /平方米在大城市,Guangzhou&Shanghai应该公平的比较好,因为它将花费15月清理库存基于2008盘外率Chengdu&Chongqing也面临压力,应该采取>库存的24个月按Hopefluent清除.
或A successful relationship, it is a successful brand - the real estate customer relationship management and marketing
"Today is the era of economic times," management master迈克尔哈默
Brand is the relationship between products and consumers. Today, product innovations have become the bottom line of corporate survival, and in the unknown future, the advantages of innovation is likely to be competitors on the follow-up, and even become totally obsolete things. The brand has entered the era of real estate enterprises, efforts to create a brand with a very important part of customer relationship management related to the construction of very dense.
Customer relationship management, a classic story from the start with……
Mr. A entrepreneurs a business trip to Thailand, where he was staying at the Oriental Hotel, this is his second time in the hotel.
On the morning is, A, out of the door ready to restaurants, health services floors respectfully asked: "A President, your breakfast is to use it?" A very strange, and asked "how do you know that I surname A?" Service Health replied: "We provided the hotel at night to Beishu the names of all guests." This makes Mr. A was shocked, even though he frequently from around the world, but also in numerous hotels, but this is the first time encountered.
Mr. A happy to take the lift down to the floors of the restaurant, Gangchu elevators, restaurants, health services Mangying approached: "A President, please inside."
Mr. A very puzzled and asked: "How do you know that I surname A?" Smile of Health Services said: "I have just received a phone service floor that you have a Xialou."
Mr. A walked into restaurants, hospitality services Miss asked: "A President to the old place?" A surprised again, the upgrade, he Ancun "The last time a meal here is a matter of a year ago, is the service here Miss still remember »" Miss services initiative explained: "I just check the records, your last June 9 in and around the second window seats used Breakfast", A, to hear some of the excitement, Mangyue: " Old seat! Right, the old seat! "So girls asked:" old menu »a sandwich, a cup of coffee, an egg» "At this point, A, has been very touched by the" old menu, it is necessary to the old menu! "
Served to Mr. A, each Huihua health services are two steps back, so as not to speak for itself when the spittle of careless flying to the guests on the food, the best hotels in the United States, Mr. A have not seen.
Breakfast meal, it is so for the life of Mr. A left unforgettable impression.
After more than three years, A, no adjustment for business again in Thailand, but the birthday of Mr. A, Hou suddenly received an Oriental Hotel, birthday cards sent to: Dear Mr. A, you have three years did not come to us here , And we all miss you very much staff, hope to see you again. Today is your birthday, I wish you a happy birthday.
Mr. A was tears, the excitement has been difficult……
Although Thailand's economy hardly the most developed in Asia, Thailand's Oriental Hotel, the hotel has the most堪称Asia, is not fully booked almost every day that the opportunity is in the need to book in advance.
Customer relationship management, real estate, the foundation of relationship marketing.
Real estate marketing relationship should be regarded as customer relationship management process and to build brand image.
As started in the 1970s, the relationship between domestic marketing theory in the introduction, more and more real estate companies to strengthen customer relationship management attention.
The current prevalence of the integration of the industry marketing theory, in essence, is to reflect the thinking of the relationship marketing. Its claim to consumer-oriented, emphasizing business and consumer two-way communication, so as to establish long-term stability of mutual relations should be, for enterprises in market competition to establish brand.
The customer relationship management, will affect the direct customers to purchase and the purchase of indirect (recommended clients buy). Real estate, Shaoze hundreds of thousands, then millions more, and even higher prices, customers have recommended the purchase occupy an important proportion. Wuhan Vanke Wang Biao, director of marketing in the "customer is always Vanke of the partnership," the article said: "Shanghai, Beijing, the three major cities of Shenzhen Vanke recommended the possibility of consumers: survey showed that owners recommended the possibility of Reached 81 percent, reflects the owners of Vanke providing products and services are widely recognized; Vanke potential customers recommended the possibility of 85%, to show potential customers Vanke also have a very high rating. "
For most of the real estate business, still remain in the transaction marketing stage. Real estate marketing relationship is opposed to the traditional transaction marketing, is a common business and customer value creation of a new marketing idea.
It seems that the transaction marketing concept, is the value of real estate companies to create that real estate business is to buy land, piling, builders, Maifang, in the realization of the value of products before the sale has been completed, the functions of marketing, simply These values will be adopted by means of selling to the customer to complete the conversion of currency only.
Compared with the real estate marketing relationship greatly evolved and sophisticated, saying that "customers and enterprises to maintain the relationship" the ultimate creation of value, the enterprise's attention, beyond products, to expand the value for customers in the generation process, Customers can create the perception of the value of the process, and enterprises involved in all aspects of the various functions.
Real estate marketing relationship between the concrete implementation, including some traditional marketing tools, such as advertising, promotions, pricing strategy, and so on, also need to deal with customer complaints, customer service, such as customer relationship management to maintain the support system. And the latter as the basis of strength highlighted an increasingly competitive.
First, real estate relationship marketing concern is how to maintain customers, the pursuit of profit maximization, customer relationship management, customer resources to provide information.
Second, real estate marketing relationship attaches great importance to customer service and customer development and the long-term, stable relations, customer relationship management services by means of cultivating customer satisfaction and loyalty for their support.
Today's residential customers already have a gradient of the characteristics of consumption, these buyers have the potential to become a fully Fang Chanshang brand loyalty to customers. Customer relationship management based on the customer's home buyers advice, owners of friendship, property management, business alliances and other means, strengthen the reputation in the eyes of customers and loyalty. If the sale of villas, or have high standards for residential, co-owners invited to participate in supervision and ensure the event of high-quality construction, so that customers feel is in the business to put ourselves in their own interests.
Third, the real estate marketing relationship that full commitment to the customer, customer relationship management to provide guarantees.
As the value of domestic goods, consumer long cycle, the use of post-mortem results after strong knowledge-related and other features, Fang Chanshang reputation in the eyes of consumers occupy an important position, many consumers in making decisions, is pay attention to customers The evaluation and purchase recommendations. Therefore, Fang Chanshang the long-term customer and responsible attitude must solemnly. For example, such as high-end residential villas and the purchase of office space, shops and other property at the end of the leasing side, and real estate companies with extensive cooperation and the possibility of cooperation on many occasions, capitalise on these customer relationship marketing potential will far exceed the one-time exchange Can receive benefits.
Fourth, real estate marketing relationship that all departments should be concerned about quality, customer relationship management, the entire process of communication to resolve customer complaints.
Most of today's real estate enterprises have multiple operating characteristics of real estate value chain from the dynamic involved in the demolition, planning and design, construction, building materials production and procurement, housing and decorating, landscaping, Housing, an intermediary in areas such as consulting a number of choices Projects in operation. Construction quality is excellent, housing area of the standard is reasonable, whether the pay floor on time, the level of quality property management into all aspects of its "quality" problem. Here, to maintain communication with customers is essential. According to the U.S. Marketing Association's research data show that only one-third of the customers because of defects in products or services and discontent, the remaining two-thirds of the problems to poor communication on.
Real estate trends in customer relationship management, "customer" is rising.
In 2002, we have seen many well-known real estate enterprises will be set for this year in customer service, regardless of Vanke, China Resources, or in the sea, Huayuan, have stressed the theme of service, to maintain products and corporate image.
When the product quality has matured, both good and become a homogenization of the Jinyi Ci, the real estate business began to customer relationship management and service work, and its product development, marketing, property management in an equal position, these enterprises Are all aware of: real estate marketing and brand building is no longer confined to the property itself, a commercial association, integration of resources for the characteristics of the all-weather, all-round customer relationship management services and the door has been opened.
Customer-oriented concepts to implement in real estate development, planning, sales, service the whole process. This market segmentation, competitive today as improve the competitiveness of an important means.
Customer service can be divided into active service and passive service two broad categories. Real estate in the customer service must be in the majority of passive services from birth, as reported, the repair, advice, complaints and disputes, such as the continuous increase in the real estate market competition increasing, the quality of customer service has become a real estate business market success Of heart disease and shackles.
Real estate companies to do a good job in customer service should be in the service of timeliness, concrete, coordination of the three areas make greater efforts, and that the real estate business in customer relationship management on the request to become harsh and strict. This led to the real estate "customers" to this request is to meet, such as Shenzhen Vanke's "000 passengers", a Health and the Pearl River in Guangzhou real estate company, "a Health Council," Beijing China Resources Land Ltd. "Land", Beijing's state living "guest" and so on.
"Vanke" as China's real estate clients will be a banner, is Vanke in the 1990s in the South formed the first club property consumers, after several years of market Big waves wash the sand, "10,000 passengers will" not only to the 000 Branch has brought substantial profits, but also the hearts of the market and the customers put up one of the "credibility of the banner of", "000 passengers" are mostly members of the loyal fans Vanke, the two projects is Vanke Times, three times, and even many buyers. It is precisely because of their presence, so that every time the project Vanke good digestion swap.
Customer service is built on enterprise promotion, sale, sale, the property management services on an upgrade:
On the one hand, only large enterprises, but must be in the long-term development, the continued accumulation of early success, with tens of thousands of customers after only can we create customer will be.
Pearl River, "a Health Council" in Guangzhou operation was very successful, which claims membership of 10 million people. Guangzhou Zhujiang of Health and real estate companies since the market reached Beijing, has been operating for several large projects, people are in Beijing set a good image. "Health will be a" Although the market in Beijing later start time, but the momentum of rapid, membership has reached thousands of people, its influence in no way less than "10,000 passengers will." To win the hearts of the people in Beijing, in its "good life in the Pearl River" under the banner of the implementation of a certain range of preferential policies, in addition to more than 1,000 businessmen and Beijing signed a cooperation agreement, including shopping malls, tourism, entertainment and other places, its members Here consumer can enjoy a discount. It is learnt that there are already high number of members in the Pearl River real estate launch of several projects done in the subscription.
On the other hand, customers will also have experienced a giant real estate market, "enclosure" brutal reshuffle after winning end to "circle" of a strategy, not just an innovative concept, a kind of upgrading services, is a more Upgrading of wealth.