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英语翻译中国结由于年代久远,其历史贯穿于人类史始终,漫长的文化积淀使得中国结 渗透着中华民族特有的,纯粹的文化精髓,富含

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 06:03:03
中国结由于年代久远,其历史贯穿于人类史始终,漫长的文化积淀使得中国结 渗透着中华民族特有的,纯粹的文化精髓,富含丰富的文化底蕴.“绳”与“神”谐音,中国文化在形成阶段,曾经崇拜过绳子.据文字记载:“ 女娲引绳在泥中,举以为人.”又因绳像蟠曲的蛇龙,中国人是龙的传人,龙神的 形象,在史前时代,是用绳结的变化来体现的.“结”字也是一个表示力量、和谐,充满情感的字眼,无论是结合、结交、结缘、团结、结果,还是结发夫妻,永结同心,“结”给人都是一种团圆、亲密、温馨的美感“结”与“吉 ”谐 音,“吉” 有着丰富多彩的内容,福、禄、寿、喜、财、安、康无一不属于吉的范畴.“吉” 就是人类永恒的追求主题,“绳结”这种具有生命力的民间技艺也就自然作为中国传统文化的精髓,兴盛长远规划,流传至今.
中国结不仅具有造型、色彩之美,而且皆因其形意而得名,如盘长结、藻井结 、双钱结等,体现了我国古代的文化信仰及浓郁的宗教色彩,体现着人们追求真、善、美的良好的愿望.在新婚的帖钩上,装饰一个“盘长结”,寓意一对相爱的人永远相随相依 ,永不分离.在佩玉上装饰一个“如意结”,引申为称心如意,万事如意.在扇子上装饰一 个“吉祥结”,代表大吉大利,吉人天相,祥瑞、美好.在剑柄上装饰一个“法轮结”,有如轮黑心行,弃恶扬善之意.
英语翻译中国结由于年代久远,其历史贯穿于人类史始终,漫长的文化积淀使得中国结 渗透着中华民族特有的,纯粹的文化精髓,富含
Chinese Knot with age,the history of mankind throughout its history has always been,a long cultural background makes China unique knot penetration of the Chinese nation,the essence of pure culture,rich in the rich cultural heritage."Rope" and "God" homophonic Chinese culture in the formative stages,has been rope worship.According to written records:"Nu Wa lead rope in the mud,give that person." Rope like a convoluted because of the snake dragon,the Chinese are descendants of the dragon,Dragon's image,in prehistoric times,is the change of knots to embody."Knot" is a word that strength,harmonious,full of emotion words,both the combination of make,lasting bonds rally,results,or knot made husband and wife,together forever,"knot" a kind of people are happy,intimate,warm beauty of "knot" and "Kat" euphony,"Kat" has a rich and varied content,Fu,Lu,longevity,happiness,wealth,safety,health invariably belong to the scope of Kyrgyzstan."Ji" is the eternal pursuit of the human subject,"knot" that has the vitality of the folk art would,of course,as the essence of Chinese traditional culture,prosperous long-term planning,spread so far.
Chinese knot not only shape,color of the United States,but also because the meaning of its form is named after such a long drive end,caisson knot,double the money knot,which shows the culture of ancient Chinese religious beliefs and rich color,expresses the people to pursue truth ,goodness and beauty of good intentions.Hook on the wedding of posts,to decorate a "long drive knot",meaning a pair of lovers always go hand in hand dependent,and never part.Pei-yu are decorated in an "ideal knot",the idea was agreeable and good luck.Fan decorated in a "lucky tie" on behalf of good luck,Heaven helps a good man,good fortune,good.Decorated in the hilt of a "Falun knot",like round black heart lines,abandoning the meaning of evil and promote good.
Chinese knot is characterized by the greatest start to finish of each node are compiled using a line,each node has its own made up rules,every node they are based on its shape,meaning the name,if different results combined,then good luck with the other accessories that together they form a unique shape,colorful,rich connotation of Chinese traditional auspicious decorations,different forms that a strong combination of rich blessing,praise and prayer to convey sincerity and loyalty good wishes,each node embody the wisdom of our Chinese people,willing to carry forward our culture arts to the world.