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英语翻译The train was about three-quarters of an hour from its d

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 15:06:27
The train was about three-quarters of an hour from its destination and was travelling at a good sixty miles an hour when Mr.Harraby-Ribston,a prosperous businessman,rose from his seat,lifted his suitcase down from the rack and threw it out of the window.
The only other occupant of the carriage,a small,thin man,a Mr.Crowther,had raised his eyes from his book when his travelling-companion stirred from his seat and had noticed the occurrence.Then the two men exchanged a sharp glance and immediately Mr.Crowther continued his reading,while Mr.Harraby-Ribston resumed his seat and sat for a while puffing a little and with a heightened colour as a result of his exertion.The glance that his companion had given him worried him extremely,for Mr.Crowther's glance had betrayed not the smallest emotion.It had shown no alarm,no surprise,not even a mild interest,and that,surely,was very extraordinary.
Mr.Harraby-Ribston's curiosity was violently aroused.And not only that.He was by nature a sociable,chatty man and he had reckoned that his action would infallibly produce conversation.But no conversation had followed and,that being so,he had had no opportunity of explaining his behaviour and he began to feel that he had merely made a fool of himself in the eyes of his companion,or,worse,that his companion might conclude that the suitcase contained a corpse,in which event he would perhaps inform the police when they reached their destination and all sorts of troublesome and humiliating enquiries would follow.Such were the thoughts that buzzed round Mr.Harraby-Ribston,robbing him of the satisfaction and refreshment that were his due.
英语翻译The train was about three-quarters of an hour from its d
火车以每小时60里的速度向前行驶,大约45分钟能到达目地的.这时哈波-瑞斯顿,一位富有的商人,起身把行李箱拿了下来并把它扔出了窗外.此时在这节火车上还有另外一名乘客,一位个子不高,身材稍瘦的男士,克劳斯.当商人起身时克劳斯就把目前从书本上移开,目睹了商人的所有举动.这时,两个男人的目光一错而过,克劳斯继续看他的书.而哈波-瑞斯顿则回到坐位,抖了抖身体,但这反而让他更加心情不安起来.(后面这两句不太会翻sat for a while puffing a little and with a heightened colour as a result of his exertion) 另外一名乘客的眼神让哈波-瑞斯顿很是不安,从克劳斯的眼中看不出一丝的感情变化,没有惊慌,没有惊讶,甚至没有一丝的兴趣,这太不正常了.哈波-瑞斯顿的好奇心,强烈的波动着.哈波-瑞斯顿是一个懂得社交并十分健谈的人,他认为他们举动一定会引起一翻话题.但事实却恰恰相反,仅仅如些.他没有任何的机会去解释,这让他觉得自己的行为在克劳斯眼中像一个傻子.或许更糟糕的是,克劳斯或许会认为他的箱子里面装的是一个尸体,已经通知警察在终点站等着,接着而来的将会是多么麻烦而可耻的事情.这些都是困扰哈波-瑞斯顿的想法,这些想法占据了他所预想的满足感以及新鲜感.