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Book 5 Modules 1-2参考答案及部分解析(四川专版13期)
1-5 BCDBA 6-10 DCBAD
11-15 ADAAB 16-20 CBADB
21-25 ACBBC 26-30 ACBAB
31-35 ABCBD 36-40 CACDB
41-45 DCCDD 46-50 BAADD
51-55 GEAFD
56. Because people suggested that to him.
57. Because he wanted to create folks who will enjoy life.
58. How Ken helped a difficult student.
59. Strict, kind and successful.
60. Students’ right choices and great success in life were their rewards to Ken Rensink.
61. ... held on a ... 去掉on
62. ... listening the teacher ... listening后加to
63. ... instruct us to ... instruct → instructed
64. ... leave a classroom ... a → the
65. ... they were surrounded ... they → we
66. ... but to find ... but → and
67. ... mouths covering with ... covering → covered
68. ... so quickly as ... so → as
69. ... what dangerous it ... what → how
70. ... on case of ... on → in
One possible version:
Dear Jack,
You want to know more about the Gaokao in China. Now I'm glad to give you a brief introduction to it.
The Gaokao, formally known as National College Entrance Examination, is one of the biggest exams in China. First started in 1955, the Gaokao was later suspended. It didn't restart until 1977. Now the Gaokao takes place on 7-8 June every year, in which Chinese, maths and one foreign language are compulsory subjects. About 9.12 million students across China took it in 2013.
Considered as the most important examination in China, the Gaokao means a great deal to Chinese students. It decides whether one can attend college, which college one can attend, and what job one can get in the future. In a word, the Gaokao has a great influence on a Chinese student's life.
Best regards,
Li Hua
1. B.surround 与Jack 之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故用surround 的过去分词 作状语.surrounded by ...被……所包围,周围都是…….
2. C.题意“一定记住:当我把手指放到嘴唇上时,这就是要你们安静的信号(signal)”.symbol 象征,标志;reference 参考;demand要求.
3. D.be doing sth. when ... 正在做某事这时突然…….when 后的从句用了一般过去时,故空格处用过去进行时.题意:我们正开车往前走,这时突然一辆汽车冲到了我们面前.pull out (为超车而)驶离车辆行列.
4. B.根据答语中的about 可知,答话者只是粗略地估计,故用Roughly.roughly speaking 大约说来.particularly 特别地;merely 只,仅仅;steadily 稳定地.
5. A.根据第二句中的or 可知在此用 whether引导主语从句.
6. D.此处推测露西没有出现的原因可能是她已经改变主意了,故用may have done 表示对过去可能发生的事情的推测.
7. C.题意:我们国家那个地区自然资源丰富,而这个地区却资源稀缺. while作并列连词用,意为“而,然而”,表示对比关系.
8. B.在时间或条件状语从句中,通常用现在完成时代替将来完成时,表示将来某时已经完成的动作.
9. A.根据答语可知,他没有学过法语,只是在法国出差时偶尔学了几个单词.pick up 作“偶尔学得”讲,符合语境.take up 开始从事;put up 张贴,建造;add up加起来.
10. D.that’s all right 没关系;I managed somehow 我设法应付了;that’s a good point 有道理;I didn’t get it 我不明白.根据答语中的“你能再说一遍吗”可知,前一句意为“对不起,我不明白你说的”.
本文是记叙文.作者和母亲旅行途 中丢失了的手机被好心人邮寄回来.
11. A.旅行途中乡村人们的善良和慷慨让作者和母亲印象深刻.impress 给某人留下深刻印象.
12. D.有一件特别的事情格外“突出(stood out)”.
13. A.由下文的after a long drive on the highway 可推测,作者和母亲“极需要(desperate)”吃东西.
14. A.15. B.“发现(spotted)”指向一个小镇的路牌后,作者“驶下(turned off)”高速公路开往一个当地的旅馆.
16. C.由于旅馆已经没有午饭,有人“指引(directed)”作者和母亲到了社区合作社.
17. B.指引作者和母亲去社区合作社的人认为那里有可能还提供食物. assumption假定,设想.
18. A.由下文的the co-operative, run by volunteers, had exactly what we were looking for 可知,合作社拥有作 者和母亲想要的东西.故选Thankfully( 谢天谢地).
19. D.由第四段中的we were on our way to visit my aunt 可推测,作者和母亲要去作者的阿姨家. 20. B.一到因弗雷尔郊区,手机刚有信号,作者的手机就亮起来.
21. A.由下文的all of our relatives texted us 可知,作者的手机收到很多 “信息(messages)”. 22. C.由第四段中的She dialed my mum's stored numbers 可推测,作者的母亲把手机落在了合作社.
23. B.合作社的志愿者“发现(found)” 了作者母亲的手机.
24. B.由下文的send the phone in an Express Post bag 可推测,志愿者记下了作者的阿姨的“地址(address)”.
25. C.由下文的send the phone in an Express Post bag 可知,志愿者直奔 “邮局(post office)”. 26. A.合作社的志愿者没有“索要(claim)”报酬.
27. C.志愿者只是做了自己认为“正确的(proper)”事情.
28. B.丢失手机对作者的母亲来说会很“不便(inconvenient)”.
29. A.30. B.这件事让作者和母亲“感到(felt)”自己属于一个“充满爱心的 (caring)”大家庭.
31. A.细节理解题.由第三段中的he worked very hard可知.
32. B.细节理解题.由第四段中的He told them that he had two good legs and arms, and did not need this money 可知,女子的父亲之所以退还伤残抚恤金是因为他认为自己还能工作赚钱,因而不需要抚恤金.
33. C.推理判断题.由倒数第二段中的it was very apparent that her father's same sweet spirit had been passed down to this woman 可知,该女子同样具有她父亲的美好品格,作者很欣赏她.
34. B.写作目的题.由文章最后一段 Hearing this story was so refreshing to my soul. I hope it is for you too 可知,作者希望这个故事能够给读者的灵魂新的力量,也就是鼓舞读者.
35. D.细节理解题.由第三段中的 Our whole goal here is that people understand marine life and oceans and are more willing to conserve them 可知,这个展览的目的是鼓励人们 保护海龟. 36. C.推理判断题.由第五段中的 However, they realized when Ozzy was little that he had some physical problems. He had to be treated before he was free to go 可推断,Ozzy 曾经身体状况不佳.
37. A.细节理解题.由倒数第三段中 的I just think that they are very magical looking when you see them swim through the water 可知,Grandinetti 喜欢海龟是因为海龟看起来很有趣.
38. C.细节理解题.由第七段中的I started my career in 1995, so 18 years 可知.
本文是议论文.文章就美国是否应 该淘汰一分硬币列出了正反双方的观点.
39. D.细节理解题.由第四段中的 There are thousands of small charities that depend on pennies to bring in donations. People think nothing of pouring out their old penny jars to support charity, but they won't part with nickels so easily 可知,人们会毫不犹豫地捐出一美分,但不会轻易捐出五美分,因而淘汰一分硬币会导致小的慈善机构得到的捐赠减少.
40. B.推理判断题.由第五段中的 Nickels cost 7.7 cents to make, 2.7 cents over face value, as opposed to 0.26 cents over face value to make a penny 可知,制造五枚一美分的硬币需要1.26 × 5 = 6.3 美分,制造一枚五美分硬币需要7.7 美分,因此后者比前者多花1.4美分.
41. D.词义猜测题.由下文的History has shown us that updating the monetary supply in countries where the currency is very stable has had little, if any, negative effect on the economy 可知,历史表明在一个货币稳定的国家调整货币供给对经济的负面影响即便有也是很小的.据此 可推测,取消半分硬币后,商业持续发展,没有受到灾难性的影响.
42. C.写作手法题.文章主要是比较了反对取消一分硬币和提倡取消一分硬币的人的不同观点.故C项正 确.
本文是说明文.文章对比了爱猫人 和爱狗人的异同点.
43. C.细节理解题.由第二段的Dogs are the most popular pets with ... 可知 C项正确.
44. D.推理判断题.由第三段中的 people in the suburbs are more likely to adopt large dogs 可推断D项正确.
45. D.细节理解题.由第五段中的 Both types of people ... are generally optimists 可知,爱猫人和爱狗人通常都比较乐观.
46. B.细节理解题.由Random facts 部 分的Dog people are more likely to think of zoos as happy places 可知,爱狗人喜欢去动物园.
47. A.细节理解题.由第二段中的and unusual spots colored gray, pink, and yellow可知.
48. A.推理判断题.由第三段中的 This tarantula has enough poisonous fluid to kill mice and small birds and snakes — but its bite wouldn't cause the death of most humans 可知,大多数人类对这种鸟蛛的毒液具有免疫力.故选A项.
49. D.细节理解题.由第七段中的due to the widespread removal of trees the number has dropped 可知,大量森林消失导致这种鸟蛛数量减少.
50. D.细节理解题.由倒数第二段中的Tarantulas ... are usually larger than other types of spiders可知.