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英语翻译1.The memory of the great men who have lived in London a

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 07:28:51
1.The memory of the great men who have lived in London and the poets and dramatists and novelists who wrote their works there lend the place a romance and charm that every visitor cannot but feel.这个句子从London那里分开,我怎么觉得翻译起来很不通顺,就是两个句子间找不到一种很协调的句式.
2.So cowed was their condition,and so long and so hard their experience of what such a man could do to them,within the law and beyond it,that not a voice,or a hand,or even an eye was raised.这一句的中间两个小句,我不知道怎么组织语言.
3.It is not that I don’t wish them fame and fortune,especially he seniors as they lurch toward graduation,more stuffed with learning and short of money than they probably ever will be again.
英语翻译1.The memory of the great men who have lived in London a
1 伦敦充满了许多伟大人物的回忆,许多诗人,小说家,剧作家都在伦敦留下伟大的作品,这些作品给伦敦增添了每个游客都能感觉到的浪漫主义色彩.
2 由于他们悲惨的境域,加上法律条文的束缚,目前为止没有一个人帮助他们,即使是一声问候,一个伸手的动作,一个关切的目光都没有.
3 我并非不希望他们名利双收,尤其是在他们毕业后,但是为学识所困,经济短缺,他们很难达到这个目标.
PS; 翻译的时候 注意 先找出 主语 谓语 结构 然后把定语等加进去
先做到直译 然后可根据原文进行适当的意译.
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