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英语翻译环境方面的外文文献,求高手帮翻译,重谢Water quality and benthos.—Water qual

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 05:22:05
Water quality and benthos.—Water quality and benthos sampling sites included six stations along the Rio das Velhas main stem (Figure 2).In relation to the MRBH discharges,one site is located upstream (São Bartolomeu – RV-01),two in the MRBH (Sabará –RV-02 and Lagoa Santa – RV-03),and three downstream (Curvelo – RV-04,Corinto – RV-05 and Lassance – RV-06).Mean distance between sites was 59 km.For the analysis,these sites were grouped into upper (RV-01 and RV-02),middle (RV-03 and RV-04),and lower (RV-05 and RV-06) courses.We also sampled another 13 tributary sites in the MRBH,including one located upstream and another downstream of each sewage treatment plant that is being built in Onça and Arrudas tributaries.The sites were chosen for geographic location above and below disturbances,common physical characteristics,and ease of access.Substrate types at most sites included sand,cobble,and vegetation in canalized third- to fifth-order reaches.But there was no substantial difference in site substrate (>90% sandy bottom),and common habitat types (riffles in streams and mid-channel in rivers) were sampled at all sites.Site length was 5–10 times the average bank-full width of the stream (as suggested by Newbury 1984).Sites were located away from the influence of tributaries or other water bodies.When a stream was sampled at more than one site,the sites were separated by a minimum of 120–150 stream widths or 10–15 pool-riffle sequences.Thus,in streams with an average width of 10 m,sites were 50–100 m long and had a minimum of 1.2 km between adjacent sites on the same stream (as suggested by Bailey et al.2004).We sampled in the rainy and dry seasons.
Temperature,dissolved oxygen,conductivity,turbidity,and pH were measured in situ using a Horiba U-10 multi-probe and portable YSI samplers.Depth and velocity were measured with a Global Water flowmeter.We collected one water sample from each site with a Van Dorn sampler in the morning (0900–1100 hours),stored the bottles in an ice box for less than 4 h,and took samples to the metropolitan laboratory of COPASA(Companhia de Sanea-mento de Minas Gerais) for determination of total and dissolved nutrients (total-P,total-N,nitrite,nitrate,organic-N,and NH4+) and total dissolved solids,according to Lenore et al.(2002).For the microbiologic analyses (thermotolerant coliforms,total coliforms,Escherichia coli and fecal streptococcus),two subsurface water samples were taken directly into sterile glass bottles and returned to the COPASA laboratory,where they were kept on ice and processed within 8 h.Total and fecal coliforms were determined using the most probable number method (MPN; Lenore etal.2002).
英语翻译环境方面的外文文献,求高手帮翻译,重谢Water quality and benthos.—Water qual
水质和benthos.-Water质量和底栖生物包括6个采样点沿着里奥.这Velhas站主茎(图2).相对于MRBH排放,一幅土地位于上游(圣保罗,Bartolomeu RV-01),两个Sabara -RV-02和Lagoa MRBH(圣诞老人——RV-03),三个下游(Curvelo - RV-04 Corinto - RV-05和Lassance,——RV-06).的意思是网站之间的距离为59公里.进行了分析,这些网站分为上,RV-01 RV-02),中(RV-03和RV-04),和更低的(RV-05和RV-06)的硕士课程.我们也采样另一个13支流的网站上,MRBH,其中包括上游和下游位于另一个各污水处理厂正在建在Onca和Arrudas服苦的人.我们选择了网站地理位置上方和下方的干扰,常见的物理特征,容易访问.基质类型包括大多数网站砂、鹅卵石和植被在开凿运河第三球,达到五.但是,没有实质上的不同基质(> 90%现场沙质底部),共同生境种类(riffles在溪流和mid-channel采集在河水)所有工地.网站长5 - 10倍于普通工人的宽度溪谷包括提出的流(1984年).距网站的影响或其他水体支流.当一弯溪水从多于一个站点的场所相隔至少120-150流宽度,或10 - 15 pool-riffle序列.因此,在小溪平均10米,宽度网站50米长的和至少120公里相邻的网站在同一条河(提出的贝利孙俐.2004).我们抽样调查在雨季和旱季.
温度、溶氧、电导率、浊度、测量、酸碱度等原位使用Horiba U-10 multi-probe采样和便携式YSI.深度和速度测量全球水计量仪表.我们收集了水从样品与每一个地点,一辆货车道恩简化了今天上午(0900-1100小时)、存储瓶一个冰盒少于4小时,把样品,大都会实验室(COPASA Sanea-mento德锭Gerais德这项)确定总及溶解养分(total-P,total-N、亚硝酸盐氮、硝酸盐、,和NH4 +)和总未溶解的实体,根据Lenore孙俐.(2002).微生物分析的thermotolerant大肠菌群阳性,总大肠菌群阳性(、大肠杆菌和便链球菌),两地下水样被直接进入无菌玻璃瓶,并回到了COPASA实验室,在这里,他们依旧内处理放在冰上和8小时.确定总与类型大肠菌群使用最可能的编号方案等Lenore MPN,(.2002年出版).