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英语翻译The significance of these developments is underscored by

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 23:28:48
The significance of these developments is underscored by a comparison with England.
Everyone knows as a stylized fact that England was the financial leader of the nineteenth century,withthe pound sterling the world's leading currency,London and the Bank of England the center of theworld's finances,and the London capital market intermediating the international flow of capital.What everyone does not know is that as early as 1825,the United States,with a population still smaller than that of England and Wales (11.1 versus 12.9 million),had roughly 2.4 times the banking capital of the latter (Sylla 1998,p.93).4 This was not entirely the result of the financial revolution in the United States.English policy,and in particular the monopoly privileges of the Bank of England and the restriction of all other banks to unlimited-liability partnerships of six or fewer people,retarded banking development in that country until 1825,when the policy was altered to allow joint-stock banking with unlimited liability.
英语翻译The significance of these developments is underscored by
这些发展的重要意义是用一个与英格兰的对比来强调的.大家都知道的一个程式化的事实是英格兰是十九世纪的金融领导者,英镑作为世界的主要货币,伦敦和英格兰银行(应该漏了点东西吧?)世界财政中心,和伦敦资本市场连系起资金的国际流动,大家都不知道的是,早在1825年,美国的人口依然小于英格兰和威尔士(1.11千万 vs 1.29千万),银行(运用)资本大约是2.4倍于后者(Sylla 1998, p.23 (这个是文章中的标注,国外论文都要求的)).4 这不完全是美国金融革命的结果. 英国政策,且特别是英格兰银行的垄断特权和其他银行对6个或更少的人的无限(连带)责任合伙的限制,迟缓了该国家的银行业发展一直到1825年.当时的政策被改为允许无限责任治的股份制银行(才得以缓解这一情况).