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英语翻译1. 喷涂质量:(检测方法:目测、手感)A 颜色与样板相符合,同批产品无色差(颜色、光泽度);B 涂层表面光滑、

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/05 06:22:35
1. 喷涂质量:(检测方法:目测、手感)
A 颜色与样板相符合,同批产品无色差(颜色、光泽度);
B 涂层表面光滑、平整、均匀,表面不得有如下缺陷:
a) 不干返粘:表面干,实际未干透,表面有(或易产生)纹印,粘有织物绒毛现象;
b) 流挂:表面有液体流淌状的突起,顶端呈圆珠状;
c) 颗粒:表面呈砂粒状,用手摸有阻滞感;
d) 桔皮:外观呈现如桔皮般凹凸不平,不规则波纹;
e) 漏底:表面透青,露出底材颜色;
f) 麻点:表面因收缩而呈现小孔(麻点),亦称针孔;
g) 发花:表面颜色深浅不一,呈花纹状;
h) 起皱:局部堆积凸起,呈皱纹状(皱纹粉除外);
i) 夹杂:涂层中夹有杂物;
j) 机械损伤:外力所致的划伤、刮花、磨损、碰伤.
C 涂层附着力:用普通封箱胶纸贴于任意涂层表面,压实并挤出空气,手持胶纸垂直于工件平面方向,将胶纸迅速拉起,涂层应无粘脱、损伤现象;
D 涂层抗酒精熔剂性:用白色棉布醮酒精在涂层表面反复擦拭(不用大力按压)10次,棉布上应无可见的涂层脱落现象;待酒精完全挥发后,被擦拭部位与未擦拭部位应无颜色和光泽差异.
2. 丝印质量(检测方法:目测)
A 丝印位置、图案及字体大小,严格按图纸设计要求,颜色与样板比较应无明显差异;
B 丝印内容应清晰、完整、无毛边、缺损、拖尾、污染现象;
C 附着力:用普通封箱胶纸贴于丝印部位,压实、并挤出空气,手持胶纸垂直于丝印面将胶纸迅速拉起,丝印应无粘脱、损伤现象;
D 抗酒精溶剂性:用白色棉布醮酒精在丝印面上反复擦拭10次(不用大力按压),棉布上应无丝印油墨,丝印面无损伤、模糊现象.
3. 整体外观:(检测方法:目测)
A 机架(柜)类产品从各方向目测,应整体平正(即上、中、下尺寸一致),无凹凸肚现象;
B 门缝均匀小于等于2mm,其它各种间隙均匀一致;
C 各外部结构件应表面平整,折边、弯角处过渡应均匀一致;
D 内外清洁,无油污、灰尘或其它杂物.
4. 工艺质量:(检测方法:目视、手感)
A 各结构部件不能有尖角、飞边(锐边)、毛刺,平面上不得有明显凹陷和凸起(如焊疤)及显露底材缺陷;
B 接地部位和螺纹部位应与涂层隔离;
C 无虚焊和明显焊缝.
5. 尺寸(检测方法:卡尺、卷尺测量)
6. 装配质量(检测方法:目测、手感)
A 装配正确,无错装、漏装、多装现象;
B 装配紧固,无松动现象,紧固件使用适宜,且同一批产品中紧固件的使用具有对应一致性;
C 活动部件功能良好,无卡涩、噪音、干涉等现象,活动角度或幅度应满足规定的要求,且具有一致性.
五、 包装要求:
英语翻译1. 喷涂质量:(检测方法:目测、手感)A 颜色与样板相符合,同批产品无色差(颜色、光泽度);B 涂层表面光滑、
1.Spray quality:(Test method:visual,touch)
A color model compatible with the batch of products have no color (the color,gloss);
B coating surface is smooth,smooth,uniform surface shall have the following shortcomings:
a) quit back to Visco:surface dry,the actual not dry,the surface (or easy to produce) prints,stick with the fabric nap phenomenon;
b) sag:the surface of the liquid flow-like processes,the top was like beads;
c) particles:the surface was sand-like,hand touching a block flu;
d) peel:orange peel-like appearance presents as rugged,irregular ripple;
e) Leakage end:through the green surface,exposing the substrate color;
f) Ma point:the surface due to contraction showed small holes (pitting),also known as pinhole;
g) Flooding:The surface color of different shades,patterns were like;
h) wrinkle:Local accumulation of uplift,like wrinkles (wrinkles except flour);
i) Inclusion:the coating there are the debris;
j) mechanical damage:external forces caused by scratches,scratches,wear,bumps.
Evaluation method:normal vision under natural light or fluorescent light was observed at 1M from the product,we can see the b) j) defects can not be received for the defect.
C coating adhesion:an ordinary sealing tape affixed to any surface coating,compaction and out of the air,hand-held tape plane direction perpendicular to the workpiece,the tape quickly pulled up,there should be no sticky coating removal,damage phenomenon;
D coating flux of anti-alcohol:alcohol,white cotton cloth dipped in the coating surface to clean it repeatedly (do not vigorously press) 10 times,cotton should be no visible coating off phenomenon; to be completely volatilized alcohol was not clean parts and clean parts should be no differences in color and luster.
2.Screen quality (detection method:Visual)
A screen printing position,pattern and font size,strict design requirements by drawing,color,compared with the model should be no difference;
B screen content should be clear,complete,no flash,defect,trailing,pollution phenomenon;
C adhesion:an ordinary sealing tape affixed to the screen area,compaction,and out of the air,hand-held tape adhesive tape perpendicular to the screen surface will be rapidly pulled up off screen should not be sticky,damage phenomena;
D anti-alcohol solvent:alcohol,white cloth dipped in clean screen surface repeatedly 10 times (not vigorously press),cotton should be no screen printing inks,screen printing surface without damage,fuzzy phenomenon.
3.Overall Appearance:(Test method:Visual)
A rack (cabinet) visual products from all directions,should be the overall Ping Zheng (that is,the middle and lower same size),no bump belly phenomenon;
B door even less than equal to 2mm,a variety of other space uniform;
C The external structural parts should be smooth surface,fold,corner office transition should be uniform;
D inside and outside clean,no oil,dust or other debris.
4.Process Quality:(Test method:visual,touch)
A different structural components can not have sharp corners,flying edge (sharp edges),burr,the plane may not have significant depression and uplift (such as welding scars),and revealed defects in the substrate;
B ground parts and thread parts should be isolated with the coating;
C No Weld and obvious weld.
5.Size (test method:caliper,tape measure)
Stringent design requirements by drawing processing,except the right to meet the size of individual components,the assembly should be guaranteed after the formation of the new dimensions (multi-dimensions for the installation) is correct.
6.Assembly quality (detection methods:visual,touch)
A assembly is correct,error-free installation,missing equipment,multi-loading phenomenon;
B assembly fastening,no loosening,use appropriate fasteners and fastening with the use of a number of products with the corresponding consistency;
C moving parts function well,no jam,noise,interference and other phenomena,the angle or range of activity should meet the requirements,and consistency.
V.packaging requirements:
Product packaging to the procurement contract shall prevail,not clearly defined,should make the necessary surface protection products,make sure it can produce by transport without damage,dirty; also be outside the box label indicating contract number.