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英语翻译Most conveniently,polymers are generally subdivided in t

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/23 20:21:51
Most conveniently,polymers are generally subdivided in three categories,viz.,plastics,rubbers and fibers.In terms of initial elastic modulus,rubbers ranging generally between 10(6) to 10(7) dynes/cm²,represent the lower end of the scale,while fibers with high initial moduli of 10(10) to 10(11) dynes/cm² are situated on the upper end of the scale; plastics,having generally an initial elastic modulus of 10(8) to 10(9) dynes/cm²,lie in-between.As is found in all phases of polymer chemistry,there are many exceptions to this categorization.
An elastomer (or rubber) results from a polymer having relatively weak interchain forces and high molecular weights.When the molecular chains are “straightened out” or stretched by a rocess of extension,they do not have sufficient attraction for each other to maintain the oriented state and will retract once the force is released.This is the basis of elastic behavior.
However,if the interchain forces are very great,a polymer will make a good fiber.Therefore,when the polymer is highly stretched,the oriented chain will come under the influence of the powerful attractive forces and will “crystallize” permanently in a more or less a material of high tensile strength and high initial modulus,i.e.,a fiber.Therefore,a potential fiber polymer will not become a fiber unless subjected to a “drawing” process,i.e.,a process resulting in a high degree of intermolecular orientation.
英语翻译Most conveniently,polymers are generally subdivided in t
简单的说,聚合物一般分为三类,塑料、橡胶、纤维.按起始弹性模量分类,橡胶的是10(6) to 10(7) dynes/cm²,弹性最小;纤维 10(10) to 10(11) dynes/cm²,弹性最大;塑料 10(8) to 10(9) dynes/cm²,弹性居中.象所有聚合物化学领域一样,这一分类有许多例外.