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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 08:23:18
Round eyes,round head,round ears,round body!What is this lovely little animals?He looks like abear.But he is not abeat.He's a KOALA. People in the Australia love koalas and take care of them.They habe set up places for them to live safely.No one can kill them for their pretty fur.When a koala is bron,he has no fur.And heis nor as big asyour little toe!The mother koala has a pocket in the front of her bdody.The bady goes into this warm pocket.There he stays for six months. When the bady leaves the pocket,he has much fur.And he is about as big as your shoe.He climes to hia mother's back.He rides there while she teaches him how to find food.Mrs Koala is a loving mother.She takes good care of her bady.But when he is bad she beats him!the bady cries just as a small child does.If he keep on crying,his mother beats him again.When he stop crying,she takes hium in her arms.Ahd then they both go to sleep for a while. The koala could not live without a special kind of tree.The tree gives him both his home and his food.Formost of the day the koala sleeps in the tree. At night the koala looks for food.He may go miles to find it.He likes only bark and the leaves of ehe tree.He eat nothing else .And eh eats mre than tow pounds each night! How lovely the koalas relly are! 求老师帮忙翻译一下啊!!!!!!! 学生我感激不尽!!!!!!!!!!
参考译文: 圆眼睛,圆脑袋,圆耳朵,圆身体。这个可爱的小动物是什么?它长得像小熊。但是它不是熊,它是树袋熊 。
澳大利亚人喜欢树袋熊并照顾他们。它们为他们建安全的住所。 没有人会为了它们的好皮毛而杀死它们。当一只树袋熊出生时,它没有毛。他还没有你的脚趾大。树袋熊妈妈的身体前面有一个口袋。宝宝进入他的温暖的口袋。在那里他生活6个月。
当宝宝离开口袋是,他长了很多毛。他有你的鞋那么大。他爬到他妈妈的后背。他妈妈边走边教他如何寻找食物。树袋熊妈妈是一个爱心妈妈。她把小宝宝照顾的很好 。但是当他淘气时,她会打他。宝宝会像小孩那样哭。如果他一直哭,他的妈妈还会打他。当他不哭了,她把他抱在怀里。然后他们去睡一会。
晚上,树袋熊寻找食物。他也许会走数英里去找食物。他只喜欢树皮和树叶。其他的他都不吃。 而且每个晚上他要吃掉两英镑多。