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英语翻译4.BRITAIN IN WORLD WAR IIA) Move toward WarThe 1930’s we

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 06:45:47
A) Move toward War
The 1930’s were marked by two very different trends.On the one hand,western nations were concerned with disarmament,notably through the World Disarmament Conference of 1932 and the London Naval Disarmament Conference of 1934.On the other hand,two centers of aggression developed:one in the Far East and one in Europe.While the western powers talked,Japan began a series of invasions into China.Despite Chinese appeals to the League of Nations,no help was sent.This gave encouragement to the Germans,who allied with Italy and set out to conquer their neighbors.At first the other European powers,particularly Britain,expected to solve this aggression through diplomacy,but when invasion followed invasion,France and Britain finally declared war on Germany in September,1939.
B) Britain at War
Britain entered the European war with confidence.The French had a strong army,with powerful forces concentrated in a series of forts on the German border,known as the Maginot Line.Britain,itself,believed it was protected by the English Channel and the North Sea.By May of 1941,the Germans and Italians controlled Europe.Fast tank divisions simply bypassed the French forts,cut off their supplies,and then destroyed them one by one.The remnants of the British and French armies in northern France were trapped between the English Channel and the German Army in Dunkirk,France.
The British and French soldiers resisted,in what was called their ”finest hour”.Instead of surrendering,as Hitler expected,the British fought back.When news of the trapped soldiers reached England,people,with no governmental prompting,set off in any small boats,capable of crossing the dangerous Channel waters---fishing boats,ferry boats,pleasure boats.This citizens’ navy supplemented the small number of British navy ships and rescued 225,000 British and 100,000French soldiers at Dunkirk.
英语翻译4.BRITAIN IN WORLD WAR IIA) Move toward WarThe 1930’s we
A) Move toward War 移向战争
The 1930’s were marked by two very different trends.20世纪30年代的标志是两大不同动态.On the one hand,western nations were concerned with disarmament,notably through the World Disarmament Conference of 1932 and the London Naval Disarmament Conference of 1934.一方面,西方国家关注裁军,比较显著的是1932年的世界裁军大会和1934年的伦敦裁军会议.On the other hand,two centers of aggression developed:one in the Far East and one in Europe.另一方面,两大敌对中心的发展:一个在远东,一个在欧洲.While the western powers talked,Japan began a series of invasions into China.在西方大国交谈的时候,日本开始了一系列的侵华战争.Despite Chinese appeals to the League of Nations,no help was sent.尽管中国人恳请国际联盟,但是没有救援到达.This gave encouragement to the Germans,who allied with Italy and set out to conquer their neighbors.这给德国人以鼓励,他们联盟意大利,对邻国发起进攻.At first the other European powers,particularly Britain,expected to solve this aggression through diplomacy,but when invasion followed invasion,France and Britain finally declared war on Germany in September,1939.起初,另一欧洲势力,尤其是英国希望通过外交手段解决进攻,但当侵略一次又一次发起时,法国和英国最终在1939年9月对德宣战.
B) Britain at War 战争中的英国
Britain entered the European war with confidence.The French had a strong army,with powerful forces concentrated in a series of forts on the German border,known as the Maginot Line.英国带着自信进入欧洲战场.法国有一支强大的军队,在德国边界的一系列要塞上集中兵力,这就是有名的马奇诺防线.Britain,itself,believed it was protected by the English Channel and the North Sea.英国认为其本身受到了英吉利海峡和北海的保护.By May of 1941,the Germans and Italians controlled Europe.Fast tank divisions simply bypassed the French forts,cut off their supplies,and then destroyed them one by one.在1941年5月,德国和意大利控制了欧洲.The remnants of the British and French armies in northern France were trapped between the English Channel and the German Army in Dunkirk,France.在法国北部的英国和法国军队的剩余力量被困在了英吉利海峡和在法国的敦刻尔克的德国军队之间.
The British and French soldiers resisted,in what was called their ”finest hour”.在“决战时刻”,英国和法国的士兵坚持抵抗.Instead of surrendering,as Hitler expected,the British fought back.正如希特勒所预料到的一样,英国没有投降而是反击.When news of the trapped soldiers reached England,people,with no governmental prompting,set off in any small boats,capable of crossing the dangerous Channel waters---fishing boats,ferry boats,pleasure boats.当受困的士兵抵达英国的消息传来的时候,人们自发地乘坐上能穿越危险的海峡的小船---渔船、渡船、游艇出发.This citizens’ navy supplemented the small number of British navy ships and rescued 225,000 British and 100,000French soldiers at Dunkirk.这支平民海军补充了最小数量的英国海军船只,拯救了在敦刻尔克的225000名英国士兵,100000名法国士兵.