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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/22 17:36:55
Unprecedented global economic integration and financial innovation and development of the vagaries of the background,started the U.S.subprime mortgage crisis this has evolved into a global financial crisis,its geographic scope,the impact of the global community is deeply unexpected.Financial crisis led to the economic crisis in the Chinese enterprises,especially export enterprises are facing more challenges,on the one hand,the market increasingly competitive,companies have to offer more favorable terms to Zhengqu orders,profits growing thin; Lingyifangmian,Ke Hu arrears receivable,collections weak sales,generated a lot of bad debts,bad debts.Many export enterprises did not take effective accounts receivable management,accounts receivable can not be scheduled leading the recovery of accounts receivable turnover ratio declining,capital constraints,and even into a financial crisis.To this end,strengthening export receivables internal management of enterprises of considerable importance.
This export receivables internal management of enterprises as the research object,based on the theory of credit management theory,combined with the characteristics of the export business accounts receivable,accounts receivable through the situation,problems and reasons analysis,focusing on the receivables internal management system is established accounts.
This article is divided into three parts,the first export enterprises in China are introduced the status of accounts receivable,and accounts receivable to the business advantages and disadvantages,and status of accounts receivable and foreign enterprises were compared; the second part from internal and external causes both poor management of accounts receivable of the Company made a detailed analysis; third part of the proposed business measures to strengthen the management of accounts receivable,accounts receivable management to establish internal systems and the corresponding accounts receivable management section details the various stages,various departments within the enterprise clear authority and responsibility.Meanwhile,the full use of financial instruments to reduce or transfer of part of the risk.
英语翻译在全球经济空前一体化和金融创新发展变幻莫测的大背景下,始于美国的这场次贷风暴己经演变成全球范围内的金融危机,其波 英语翻译要列出2007年影响世界经济和国际金融大事件,美国次贷危机必定榜上有名,在经济金融全球化背景下,由美国开始的次贷 英语翻译在美国金融危机蔓延、全球经济动荡的背景下,我国出口企业不可避免地受到了金融危机带来的一系列负面效应,如何抵御风险 英语翻译浅谈金融危机背景下花旗银行在中国的金融营销在美国金融危机影响下,全球金融市场剧烈震荡,主要股市大幅下挫,信心危机 英语翻译2008年美国次贷危机爆发,随后在世界范围内引发了一场金融海啸.这次危机有其特殊的背景,其中评级机构因表现不佳而 英语翻译近年来,金融创新在全球范围内进入了迅猛发展的时期,对世界各国的经济状况和金融活动的各个领域都产生了巨大的影响,其 英语翻译摘要:由美国次贷危机等引发的金融危机使全球经济随之震动,作为经济全球化的一份子,中国也无法独善其身.本次金融危机 为什么在2008次贷危机,全球经济不景气的情况下,我国房地产业依然繁荣发展? 由美国次贷危机引发的金融风暴 反映了当今世界经济的什么基本特征 中国在全球经济一体化影响下的坏处 英语翻译在世界范围内,全球经济一体化指的是各国之间在经济上越来越多地相互依存.商品、服务、资本和技术越过边界的流量越来越 英语翻译在全球经济一体化、中国金融体制改革步伐逐渐深入的背景下,银行体系开始发生变化,国有商业银行一统天下的局面逐渐被打