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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 07:27:21
People's Republic of China national flag is five-star red flag. Flag-red, rectangular, its length and a high ratio of three to two, the upper left is made up yellow flags of Wu Jiaoxing 5. A larger satellite, located in the left; four other smaller Central arch in the right big stars.
The red flag of the national flag symbol of revolutionary struggle; Wu Jiaoxing that is yellow with red showing on the land of the bright. Wu Jiaoxing on behalf of the Communist Party of China, four small satellite behalf of the Chinese people; five stars is the symbol of the relationship between the Communist Party of China under the leadership of the great unity of the people.
People's Republic of China's national emblem, the middle is shining under the Five-Starred Red Flag at Tiananmen Square, surrounded by Gusui and gear. Gusui, five-star, Tiananmen Square, gear for the gold, ring the base and weeping Shouguan in red. Gold, two color red symbolizes good fortune in China and is the traditional color of celebration.
Tiananmen symbol of the Chinese people against imperialism and feudalism of the indomitable national spirit; gear and Gusui symbol of the working class and peasant class; five stars on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party under the leadership of the great unity of the people.
英语翻译中华人民共和国的国旗是五星红旗.旗面为红色,长方形,其长与高的比例为三比二,旗面左上方缀黄色五角星五颗.一颗星较 中华人民共和国的国旗叫五星红旗,国旗是红色的,旗面左上方有五颗什么色的五角星.一颗大星,象征着什么;四颗小星,象征着什么 请补充下面的内容:中华人民共和国国旗是( ).旗面为红色,象征( );五星呈黄色,表示( );旗上的五颗五角星及其相互关 英语翻译坦桑尼亚国旗呈长方形,长与宽之比为3∶2.旗面由绿、蓝、黑、黄四色构成,左上方和右下方为绿色和蓝色的两个相等的直 中华人民共和国国旗,旗面的红色象征什么?大五角星代表什么? 中华人民共和国国旗旗面为红色象征革命 我国国旗旗面为长方形,长与宽之比为3:2,国旗通用制作尺寸为长240厘米,宽160厘米,证明国旗对角线的长不可能是有理数 我国国旗旗面为长方形,长与宽之比是3:2,国旗通用尺寸为长240厘米,宽为160厘米,那么国旗的对角线可能是整数吗?可能 五星红旗旗面为红色,象征什么? 红色是跳动的火焰,黄色则充满了希望.红色的国旗+金黄的五角星=闪亮的五星红旗! 国旗旗面的红色象征革命,那星星为什么是黄色的 英语翻译麻烦帮帮手.意义可以到百度果度稳.或如下:长方形,长宽之比为2:1.深蓝色旗面.左上角为英国国旗,表明澳与英国的