作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 09:41:54
I've arranged _you at the airport,so don't worry about that.
A a car to meet B.a car meeting
C.for a car to meet D.for a car meeting
不是arrange for
_ a bed,the room is almost empty.
A.Besides B.Except
C.Apart from
D.But 为什么不选B
The news that LIUXIANG has won the first makes all of us _him.
A proud B proud in C be proud of D be proud in
Stress can extremely damage to your health .Exercise,——,can reduce its effects.
A at the same time B whileC though D meanwhile
You didn't expect to see us,did you?
A No,i didn't know you were comeing today B Yes,I hadn't knowm you were coming today C No,I didn't know you were coming today DYes,i won't know you were coming today
这里的yes 和 no 怎么判断,按照往常的判断我觉得选C
My brother never helps me with my homework._
A neither do mine B neither do i C neither does me D neither does mine
luckily,his family were safe except for the house
A was Tom burned?B how did it happen?C anybody injured or burned?Dit must be terrible
He usually goes to work on time_
A.except for raining days Bbesides it rains
C but that it rains D except on rainy days
in the usa,he made a lot of friends_ENGLISH well to make himself_
A learn,understand B to learn,understood
C learning,understand Dlearned ,understood
it was an exciting moment for these football fans this year,_for the first time in years their team won the world cup.
Awhich B that C this Done
do you work hard at your lessons?
yes,i _no efforts.
Aspend B spare C waste D share 讲下词组
don't worry if the food_.i'm going shopping this afternoon.
Aruns out B uses up C is run out of Dis run out
It is _that the library be kept open during the vacation.
Awished B expected C urged Dhoped
1. I've arranged _ you at the airport, so don't worry about that.
arrange for sb. to do “安排某人做某事”,arrange for sth. to do “准备某物做某事”,本题的意思是“准备一辆车去机场接你”.
2. _ a bed, the room is almost empty.
1)Besides 除了…以外还有,其宾语一定是句子中另一个对举词的同类项,如 Besides English, he has to study German,English 和 German 属于同类项.本句中的表语是形容词 empty,与名词 bed词性不同,不可以对举.
2)Apart from表示“如果不是/若非”,其同义词是 Except for.
3. The news that LIUXIANG has won the first makes all of us _him.
本题的主句是The news makes all of us _him,that LIUXIANG has won the first 是同位语从句,主句中只有C)be proud of和D)be proud in 才符合 make sb. do sth. (不带to的不定式作宾语补足语)这个结构,前者意思是 “为…而感到自豪”,后者是动词短语pride in(以...而骄傲)的误用.所以结论不是“为什么不选C”,而是必须选C.
4. Stress can extremely damage to your health. Exercise, ——,can reduce its effects.
A) at the same time 表示一个短暂的时间点,其作用相当于However/nonetheless.(但是/然而);
D) meanwhile表示一这段持续的时间
5. “You didn't expect to see us, did you?”“____.”
1) 在英语中,No后面必须是简略的否定的回答,Yes必须是简略的肯定回答,针对题目中的提问可以做出后面的回答:No, I didn’t(是的,我没预料到). Yes, I did.(不是的,我预料到了)
2)选项中的No和Yes 后的句子是省略简略回答的补充说明,不包括在上面讨论的范畴之内,因此应该针对问话的意思做出选择,各选项分析如下:
A No, I didn't know you were coming today: 表示没有预料看到,那是因为刚才不知道你今天会来(虚拟语气,言外之意是现在已经知道你来了)
B) Yes, I hadn't known you were coming today: 表示预料能见到,与后面的“刚才不知道你今天会来”在意思上有悖.不符合罗辑.
C No, I didn't know you were coming today:与A完全一样,可能是误写.
D) Yes, I won't know you were coming today:两个人已经在面对面地说话,说“将不会知道你今天已经到来”显然是自相矛盾.
6. My brother never helps me with my homework. _
前面说“我兄弟从不帮我做作业”,后面用“我也不帮他”,这样才顺理成章.因此,其重点是 I 本人,而不是 mine(我的作业),尚且“我的作业(mine)也不帮他”不合情理.
7. “——” “Luckily,his family were safe except for the house”
根据回答中his family(全家人)和the house (房子)来判断,问话者关心的不仅是Tom一人,如果真是只问道 Tom,后面的回答就成了所答非所问了. 因此只有C anybody injured or burned? 才是正确的.
8. He usually goes to work on time _
本题应该选 D
A) except for raining days:except for 除去的只是整体中的某一部分,相当于汉语的“除了…以外/若不是…的话”,这里的意思是“除了下雨天以外”.
B) besides it rains:besides 不是连词,不能引导句子;作为介词后面只能带名词性的词汇.另外besides 和except 都含“除...外”的意思,但是意思却相去甚远:
besides指“除...外, 另外还有”, 着重“另外还有”, 如: I have five other books besides this. 除这本以外, 我还有五本别的书.
except的含意是“从整体里减去一部分”, 因为“所说的道理或事实不能适用于那部分”, 着重于“排除在外”, 如: We all went there except Xiao Li. 除了小李以外, 我们都到那儿去了.
C) but that it rains:but that 引导一个虚拟的名词从句,所以应该用but that it rained才可以构成虚拟语气.,
D) except on rainy days:except 是介词,后面可以跟1)名词,2)for sth. 3)that从句,后两项都当 “只是”讲
9. In the USA, he made a lot of friends _ ENGLISH well to make himself _
1) to learn English well 是made friends的目的状语;to make himself understood 是learn English的目的状语,过去分词 understood 和宾语himself是动宾关系,意思是“他自己被(别人)听懂”.
10. It was an exciting moment for these football fans this year, _ for the first time in years their team won the world cup.
主句:It was an exciting moment for these football fans this year,对今年的足球迷而言,这是一个令人激动的时刻.
从句:____ for the first time in years their team won the world cup. 他们的球队多年来第一次获得世界杯(冠军)
选项中的代词填入后必须要在句子中充当或者主语或者宾语,但是从句中主谓宾结构很完整,说明它是一个由连接词 that引导的同位语从句.
11. “Do you work hard at your lessons?”“yes, I _no efforts.”
A. spend 花费时间、金钱或精力,spend no efforts,意思是“毫不费力”
B. spare 限制使用,spare no efforts 意思是“不惜努力”
C. waste 耗费、浪费,waste no efforts 意思是“不随便付出努力”
D. share 分担使用,share no efforts 意思是“不付出努力(与他人分担)”
12. Don't worry if the food ___. I’m going shopping this afternoon.
A. runs out:主语由表示事物的名词充当,即物品本身处于自然用尽状态.
B. uses up:主语由具有行为能力的名词充当,即行为者用完物品.
C. is run out of主语也是由表示事物的名词充当,但是却夹杂了人为因素,即物品被人为有意用尽.
D. is run out 缺少of,结构错误,
13. It is _that the library be kept open during the vacation.
从谓语动词be kept可以看出从句是省去should的虚拟语气,只有选项 A. wished 后的从句才要求这种虚拟.其他选项只能用真实语气.