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英语短语和句子翻译1.free ... from doing sth2.find ... interesting3.ho

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 01:14:09
1.free ... from doing sth
2.find ... interesting
3.how was your trip to ... ?
4.it was great
5.leave ... doing
6.help oneself to sth
7.spend ... on sth
8.process ...into
9.it's important to known your reader's opinion
10.form big circles
11.have a habit of reading
12.deny stealing
13.have greater understanding of the meaning of things
14.have the idea of linking computers together
15.it was too big for them to take with them
16.drag it into the city with ropes
17.show respect to the gods
18.remove .. from...
19.divide ... between A and B
20.have a great sense of humour
21.have experience at
22.all astronauts should have the ability to work calmly and must be good at working as part of a team
23.it doesn't matter what people think as long as she enjoys it
英语短语和句子翻译1.free ... from doing sth2.find ... interesting3.ho
1.从做什么事情中抽出(身/时间);2.发现...有意思; 3.你去...的旅行怎么样?;4.非常棒(过去时);5.leave sb doing sth 让某人做某些事;6.帮助某人做些事;7.花费...在什么事情上,一般指花费时间或金钱;8.加工...变成...9.知道你读者的意见很重要;10.形成大圈 11.有读书的习惯;12.不承认偷窃;13.对事物含义有了更深一步的理解;14.有了把计算机连在一起的主意;15.东西太大了以至于他们拿不了/搬不动(根据具体东西来理解);16.用绳子把它拽到城里;17.对上帝表现尊重;18.从...移除...19.A和B之间分开...20.很有幽默感; 21.在...上有经验;22.所有的宇航员应该具备沉稳工作的能力和作为团队的一员善于工作; 23.只要她喜欢,别人的想法并没有关系.
再问: 辛苦了!非常感谢!