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We often hear people say the lion is the king of the forests

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 20:19:10
We often hear people say the lion is the king of the forests because it’s stronger and more
dangerous than the other animals.It can run faster than most other animals.The lion is the highest animals in the land food chain(食物链).In the sea,the shark is at the top of the food chain.It can swim faster than most other sea animals.It can also use its big teeth to catch other sea animals for food.What is at the top of the world’s food chain?Human beings are!We are not the biggest or fastest in the world,but we are the cleverest.We could not run faster than most animals,so we made cars,planes and now we can move the fastes.We could not fight better than a lion,so we made guns(枪).It is important for people to keep the balance of nature.For example,m any years ago in the north of China,people killed a lot of wild wolves.The wild wolves usually eat wild rabbits.But a few years later,the number of wild rabbits was becoming bigger and bigger because the number of wild wolves was getting smaller and smaller.The wild rabbits shared the grass with sheep and cows.Much of the grassland became desert(沙漠).Remember that we are part of the food chain,so we are in danger too.If we protect animals,We are protecting ourselves.
( )1.How many kinds of food chians does the writer tell us in the passage?
A Two B Three C Four D Five
( )2.Human beings are at the top of the world’s food chain because ______.
A they can use guns B they are the biggest C they are the cleverest D they can drive cars
( )3.What does the underlined word “balance” mean in Chinese?A 平衡 B 能量 C 完整 D 形状 ( )
4.Which is the underlined word “balance” mean in Chinese?More and more wild rabbits ate much grass ② Many years ago in the north of China,people killed a lot of wild wolves③ Much of the grassland turned into desert ④ The number of wild wolves was becoming smaller and smaller.A ②①④③ B ④③②① C ①②④③ D ②④①③
( )5.From the passage,the writer tells us ________.A to make more cars B not to eat animals C to protect animals D not to keep the food chain
We often hear people say the lion is the king of the forests
什么玩意儿 烂糟的 我是学俄语的 英文看不懂 你还是说国语吧!
再问: 我要看得懂我还会问啊
再答: 我们经常听到人们说狮子是森林的国王因为它的强大和更危险比其他动物。它比其他的动物跑的更快。狮子在陆地食物链的最高的动物(食物链)。在海上,鲨鱼是食物链顶端的。它可以游得比大多数其他海洋动物更快。它也可以利用其强大的牙齿捕捉其他海洋动物的食物。什么是世界食物链的顶端?人类是!我们不是最大或最快的世界,但是我们是最聪明的。我们不可能跑的比大多数动物更快,所以我们制造的汽车,飞机,现在我们可以最快。我们打不过狮子,所以我们把枪(枪)。人们保持生态平衡是重要的。例如,许多年前在中国的北方,人们杀了很多野生的狼。野生的狼通常吃野生动物。但几年后,野兔的数量越来越大,因为野生的狼的数量变得越来越小。野兔与羊和牛草。大部分的草原变成了沙漠(沙漠)。记住,我们是食物链的一部分,所以我们处于危险中。如果我们要保护动物,就是保护我们自己。()1。许多种类的食物链是作者在文章告诉了我们什么?一二B三C四D五()2.human众生在世界食物链的顶端,因为______。他们可以使用枪支的B他们最大的也是最聪明的他们可以驱动汽车()3.有下划线的单词“平衡”的中文意思是什么?一个平衡B C D能量完整形状()4.which是下划线的单词“平衡”的中文意思是什么?越来越多的野兔子吃的草多②许多年前在中国的北方,人们杀了很多野生的狼③多的草原变成沙漠④野生狼的数量变得越来越小。一个②①④③B C D④③②①①②④③②④①③()5.from文章,作者告诉我们________。一种使更多的车辆不吃动物C保护动物不保持食物链
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