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英语翻译全部的积分全搭进来了!1 The opportunity cost of an item is what you

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 01:18:37
1 The opportunity cost of an item is what you give up to get that item.When making any decision,such as whether to attend college,decision makers should be aware of the opportunity costs that accompany each possible action.In fact,they usually are.College-age athletes who can earn millions if they drop out of school and play professional sports are well aware that their opportunity cost of college is very high.It is not surprising that they often decide that the benefit is not worth the cost
2 The WTO is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations.At its heart are the WTO agreements,negotiated and signed by the bulk of the world’s trading nations and ratified in their parliaments.The goal is to help producers of goods and services,exporters,and importers conduct their business.
3 World trade talks in Cancun collapsed after rich countries and rather pressed poor states to negotiate “Singapore issues”,including new rules on foreign investment,competition an government procurement.Poor states complained that trade laws were already rigged against them and unless developed countries agree to cut tariffs and open markets,trade liberalization will not be meaningful,according to AFP,Reuters,BSS,and BBC news online.They fear that a new international investment trade regime would benefit multilateral corporations and open their industries to control by foreign multinationals
二1 an example of win-win game(举一个双赢博弈的例子)
2 we live in a world of interdependence.(举一个例子证明人们在经济社会中是相互依赖的)
英语翻译全部的积分全搭进来了!1 The opportunity cost of an item is what you
1机会成本的一个项目,是你放弃获得该项目. 在作出任何决定,如是否出席学院 决策者应该知道机会成本,伴随着每一种可能的行动. 事实上,他们通常是这样. 大学年龄的运动员可以赚几百万,如果他们辍学并发挥专业体育也知道 它们的机会成本,高校是非常高的. 这是不足为奇的,它们往往决定的好处是不值得花费200世贸 唯一的全球性国际组织,处理贸易规则的国家之间. 其核心是世贸组织的各项协定, 谈判并签署了世界上大多数的贸易国和批准了他们的看法. 其目标是帮助商品和服务的生产者,出口商和进口商开展业务. 3世界贸易谈判于坎昆崩溃后,富国和相当压贫国谈判的"新加坡问题" , 包括新规则对吸引外资,竞争的政府采购. 贫穷国家抱怨说,贸易的法律已经造打击他们,除非发达国家同意降低关税和 开放市场,贸易自由化将不会有意义,据法新社,路透社bss , BBC在线新闻. 它们担心一个新的国际投资贸易制度将有利于多边公司开放其工业控制 外国跨国公司