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英语翻译Positive aspects People have the unfortunate tendency to

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 12:31:08
Positive aspects
People have the unfortunate tendency to "throw the baby out with the bath water." If they don't agree with ideas a,b,and c,they figure x,y,and z must be wrong as well.But Freud had quite a few good ideas,so good that they have been incorporated into many other theories,to the point where we forget to give him credit.
First,Freud made us aware of two powerful forces and their demands on us.Back when everyone believed people were basically rational,he showed how much of our behavior was based on biology.When everyone conceived of people as individually responsible for their actions,he showed the impact of society.When everyone thought of male and female as roles determined by nature or God,he showed how much they depended on family dynamics.The id and the superego -- the psychic manifestations of biology and society -- will always be with us in some form or another.
Second is the basic theory,going back to Breuer,of certain neurotic symptoms as caused by psychological traumas.Although most theorists no longer believe that all neurosis can be so explained,or that it is necessary to relive the trauma to get better,it has become a common understanding that a childhood full of neglect,abuse,and tragedy tends to lead to an unhappy adult.
Third is the idea of ego defenses.Even if you are uncomfortable with Freud's idea of the unconscious,it is clear that we engage in little manipulations of reality and our memories of that reality to suit our own needs,especially when those needs are strong.I would recommend that you learn to recognize these defenses:You will find that having names for them will help you to notice them in yourself and others!
Finally,the basic form of therapy has been largely set by Freud.Except for some behaviorist therapies,most therapy is still "the talking cure," and still involves a physically and socially relaxed atmosphere.And,even if other theorists do not care for the idea of transference,the highly personal nature of the therapeutic relationship is generally accepted as important to success.
Some of Freud's ideas are clearly tied to his culture and era.Other ideas are not easily testable.Some may even be a matter of Freud's own personality and experiences.But Freud was an excellent observer of the human condition,and enough of what he said has relevance today that he will be a part of personality textbooks for years to come.Even when theorists come up with dramatically different ideas about how we work,they compare their ideas with Freud's.
Freud's work is preserved in a 23 volume set called The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud.For a briefer overview,you might want to try Freud's A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis or New Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis.They are a part of The Standard Edition,but can also be found separately and in paperback.Or you might try a collection,such as The Basic Writings of Sigmund Freud.
Some of Freud's most interesting works are The Interpretation of Dreams,his own favorite,The Psychopathology of Everyday Life,about Freudian slips and other day-to-day oddities,Totem and Taboo,Freud's views on our beginnings,Civilization and Its Discontents,his pessimistic commentary on modern society,and The Future of an Illusion,on religion.All are a part of The Standard Edition,but all are available as separate paperbacks as well.
英语翻译Positive aspects People have the unfortunate tendency to
首先,弗洛伊德提出了有两种强大的作用以及它们对我们的影响.在大家都相信人基本上是理性的时候,他指出了我们的行为有多大程度上是基于生物本能的(这儿biology不是生物学,而是弗洛伊德所相信的人个性受本能支配的部分).在大家都觉得人个体对其行为有责任时,他指出社会对个人行为的影响.在大家都觉得男人和女人的角色是上帝或者自然决定的时候,他指出这些角色受家庭内部动力的影响.本我和超我 - 本能和社会在心理上的投射-永远都会以各种形式和我们共存.