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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 13:30:25
“红”在中国人心目中,是喜庆、成功、吉利、忠诚和兴旺发达等义的象征.古代达官贵人的住宅是“朱门”;在传统京剧里,关羽的一张大红脸象征着他耿直、忠义的品格; 在传统婚礼上张贴的是大红喜字,给新娘遮脸的是红盖头,新郎胸前佩戴的是大红等等.在汉语里,“红火”形容旺盛、热闹,“红”象征着成功.所以,在当代汉语里,它是政治色彩最浓的一个颜色词,使用得也很频繁,象征着革命和进步,如“ 红旗”、“ 红军”、“ 红卫兵”、“红色政权”、“又红又专”等.而在西方,“Red”( 红) 常用作贬义,表示残酷、狂热、灾祸、烦琐、血腥等意.如:“red hands”( 血腥的手,杀人的手) 、“be caught red- handed”( 当场被捕) 、“red- headed”( 狂怒的) 、“red- neck”( 乡巴佬,美国南部农民) 、“red- ruin”( 战祸) 、“red skin”( 对北美印第安人的贬称).唐朝初期诗人王维的5相思豆中有红豆生南国的诗句,其中红豆又名相思豆与英美人的love pea 意思相近,毫无红色之意.中国俗语中有红粉佳人和红颜薄命之说,译成英语应为a young beauty 和The young beautiful lady willalways be star- crossed,这里汉语中的红是美丽的同义词,而与red 毫不相干.To be in the red 虽然汉语把这一寓义引申译 赤字不说红字,但表达的意思是亏损、负债 ,红娘应用go between 或matchmaker 表达.
Red in Chinese culture is the symble of festivity,success,lucky,loyalty and Prosperity.The gate of high officials' house in ancient times is called red gate.In traditional peking opera,Guanyu's big red face signifies his uprightand shows the character of loyalty.And people were used to stick red character on the wall in the traditional wedding which the bride has a red hood covering her face and groom wearing bright red before his chest.In Chinese language,"honghuo" often used to describle the prosperous and lively things,and red means success.So red is also a character with high political complexion in modern Chinese,it used frequently to signifies revolution and progress,such as red flag,Red army,Red guard,and so on.However,in western countries,red is often used as a derogatory which means cruel,crazy and disaster.Such as red hands,red headed.One of poet in early Tang dynasty called Wang Wei write in his poetry that red bean grows in southern.Red bean is also called jequirity bean,which the mean is almost the same with love pea in in western countries,but there's no any business with red.To be in the red in chinese we use "chi" instead of red,to describe the meaning of the expression losses or liabilities."Hong niang" should be expressed as go between or matchmaker.