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英语翻译论秋爽居士之“敏”——兼论迎春之“懦”摘 要:探春是金陵十二钗中不仅知书识礼,而且具有政治家气概的人物.曹雪芹用

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 00:13:12
摘 要:探春是金陵十二钗中不仅知书识礼,而且具有政治家气概的人物.曹雪芹用一个“敏”字来概括她.她的“敏”是敏感和机敏的综合,她的敏感,使她活在庶出的自卑中时时处处维护自己的自尊,成为大观园中一朵又红又香的玫瑰花.她的机敏,让她力争上游、自尊自立,敏锐地洞悉家族衰落的走向在代替凤姐理家时运用自己的才干对大观园进行改革.她的性格和同为庶出的迎春形成鲜明对比,主因是二人不同的成长环境所致.
英语翻译论秋爽居士之“敏”——兼论迎春之“懦”摘 要:探春是金陵十二钗中不仅知书识礼,而且具有政治家气概的人物.曹雪芹用
Concerning the "cool autumn had sensitization."
Pick to TanChun:not only twelve Chai is jinling general knowledge,but also has the book of politicians.Cao xueqin in a "sensitive" word to her.She is sensitive to the "sensitive" and alert comprehensive,her sensitive,so she lived in ShuChu inferiority in everywhere to maintain their own self-esteem,become looks a red and fragrant roses.She's clever,let her strive,self-esteem,keen insight into independent family decline to replace FengJie Daniel home in his own talents to use the reform.Her character and for the winter with ShuChu contrast,cause is two people of different growth environment.