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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 10:25:21
Book 3 Modules 5-6参考答案及部分解析
1-5 BCDCB 6-10 DDCAB
11-15 BCDCA 16-20 CBDDB
21-25 ABADC 26-30 BACBD
31-35 BCDCD 36-40 DCCBC
41-45 BBDDC 46-50 DCCDB
51-55 GBEFA
56. Her unborn baby.
57. She began to deliver the baby.
58. In a hospital.
59. He felt very surprised.
60. Because she was to attend her mother’s funeral.
61. ... are considering ... considering → considered
62. ... between students. between → among
63. ... of own a ... own → owning
64. ... which may live ... which → who / that
65. ... thousands of miles. miles后加away
66. ... whenever you go. whenever → wherever
67. Therefore, using ... Therefore → However
68. ... prevent concentrate. concentrate → concentration
69. ... his education. his → their
70. ... because of a ... 去掉of
One possible version:
Dear John,
I'm writing to tell you something about Taijiquan. Taijiquan is a traditional Chinese martial art. It was created in the 17th century by Chen Yuting from Henan Province, which is called Chen-style Taijiquan. Now it has several different schools like Yang-style Taijiquan.
The philosophy of Taijiquan is using softness to resist violent force. Practicing Taijiquan can help people keep fit as well as reduce stress, for focusing the mind on the movements of the form helps to bring about a state of mental calm.
I hope you will come to China and if you do, I'll teach you how to practice it.
Chen Fang
1. B.由“没有乘客在车站等车”可知,很明显错过了车,故选It’s obvious.
2. C.设空处引导表语从句且在从句中不作成分,故选that.
3. D.由were told和a new coach would come 可知,remove 这个动作发生在过去的过去,且
coach 与remove 之间是被动关系,故选had been removed.
4. C.当名词前有序数词时,常用不定式作后置定语,且President 与resign之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故选to resign.
5. B.定语从句意为“我仍和他们中的一些人保持着联系”,故选of whom.
6. D.由since January this year 可知,generate 是发生于过去且对现在有影响的动作,故选has generated.
7. D.由“每个地方都有好葡萄酒和坏葡萄酒”可知,法国葡萄酒和其他任何国家的葡萄酒一样,故选no better than(实际上和……一样).
8. C.在会议上应该是提出问题或感兴趣的事,故选bring up.
9. A.banning 在本题中特指对烟草广告的禁止,故第一空用The;contribution在本题中是可数名词且表泛指,故第二空用a.
10. B.题干应是结束语,故只有In conclusion 符合语境.in some ways 在某些方面;in conclusion 总之;in no time 立即;in advance 提前.
11. B.由上文的I adore dancing 可推断,作者总是很“欣赏(admired)”专业舞者的动作.
12. C.13. D.电视机播放“ 跳舞(dancing)”比赛时,作者“不愿离开(glued)”电视机.
14. C.作者的家人不得不“忍受(tolerate)”作者房间里大声播放的音乐和作者跳舞.
15. A.由下文的a local dancing class可推断,这里指的是“专业的(professional)”舞蹈.
16. C.由下文的examine the type of dancing movements I wanted and learn how to move better 可知,作者“参加了(attended)”一个当地的舞蹈班.
17. B.“尽管(Although)”作者后来不得不停止上舞蹈课,但是作者并没有停止跳舞.
18. D.此处表示“必定,当然”,故选certainly.
19. D.如今,作者一有“机会(chance)”就喜欢随着音乐起舞.
20. B.“被朋友包围”与“独自在客厅”形成对比.
21. A.由下文的my friends enjoy the same kind of ... 可知,作者觉得朋友们与自己志趣相投是一件非常“令人愉快的(pleasing)”事.
22. B.由下文的we always bring the beat wherever we go 可知,此处是说作者和朋友们喜欢同一种“音乐(music)”.
23. A.24. D.作者结识的舞者们“不管(regardless of)”年龄或身体状况如何,都和作者一样“喜欢(enjoy)”跳舞.
25. C.你是否曾“注意到(noticed)”舞者比非舞者身体更健康、精力更充沛?
26. B.由上文的healthier 及下文的sustain a better health status 可推测,此处应与健康或者身体状况相关,故选energetic.
27. A.由上文的since dancing is fun可推断,舞者们一辈子“坚持(stick with)”跳舞.
28. C.“事实(truth)”是舞者们的确比非舞者们看起来更年轻.
29. B.上下文是讲跳舞的不同方面的好处,是并列关系,故选Moreover.
30. D.如果上述观点在你看来很陈腐,你最好自己作一些“ 研究(research)”.
本文是记叙文.文章讲述了Holland Finley 自强不息、乐于助人并鼓励他人从事志愿工作的故事.
31. B.细节理解题.由第二段末的 she decided to focus on sports that required more strength than endurance 及第三段开头的 Holland quickly began cheerleading and wakeboarding可知. 32. C.段落大意题.第三段主要讲的是Holland 在带领啦啦队和海上滑板两项运动中所获得的成就.
33. D.推理判断题.由第四段末的 plans monthly community service events for students and staff, and hosts an online platform where groups within Austin who need volunteers can post bulletins 可推断,该组织致力于将人们和志愿工作的机会联系起来.
34. C.推理判断题.由第四段开头的 it is her commitment to service and the community that makes her special 及下文所举事例以及最后一段的she will be able to use her determination and skills to help others 可推断,Holland 是一个仁慈善良的人.
35. D.推理判断题.由第一段末的 the farmers decided to pray to the Virgin Mary to help them 及第二段 末的the beetles became known as the“beetles of Our Lady”, eventually shortened to ladybug 可推断,Our Lady即the Virgin Mary.
36. D.细节理解题.由第三段中的 the farmers imported Australian ladybugs and released them into the orchards可知.
37. C.词义猜测题.由上文瓢虫帮了农民的大忙的例子及下文的 Raising ladybugs became a big business 可推断,瓢虫养殖户出乎意料地出现了.
38. C.细节理解题.由最后一段中的 only the ones that don't fly off as soon as you release them will make your garden a home ... accommodate for the runaway ladybugs可知.
本文是议论文.文章讨论了学生 是否应该学习草写字.
39. B.句意理解题.随着信息技术的 发展,图书馆里的卡片目录和传统 的电影放映机都已经被现代化的 技术设备取代;再由下文的put more emphasis on typing skills 及 the cursive alphabet to become a relic 可推断,划线句子意为“草写体可能不久就会过时”.
40. C.推理判断题.由第二段中的 losing cursive would amount to the dumbing down of society 及第三段 中Bateman 的话可推断,Bateman 支持草写体手书.
41. B.细节理解题.由第四段末的 Cursive handwriting is not included 可知.
42. B.细节理解题.由倒数第二段中的it's an important way for students to be involved in an aesthetic activity every day. And that would be a way for cursive handwriting to survive 可知.
43. D.细节理解题.由第二步中的 mash the fruit ... Children particularly enjoy this part of the process 可 知.
44. D.细节理解题.由第六步中的 leaving a gap between the top of the jar and the jam可知.
45. C.细节理解题.由第四、五步可知C项正确.
46. D.推理判断题.全文主要讲了如何在家做草莓果酱,因此在介绍美食的网站上有可能出现,答案选D.
47. C.细节理解题.由倒数第二段中的In its inside, they found a microscopic sample of ringwoodite 可知,这块林伍德石的标本存在于 一小块棕色钻石里面.
48. C.细节理解题.由第四段中的 The evidence comes from a water- -loving mineral called ringwoodite that came from the so-called transition zone sandwiched between the upper and lower layers of Earth's mantle 可知,这块稀有矿物 应该是来源于上地幔和下地幔之间的过渡带.
49. D.细节理解题.由第九段中的It would lead to a long-running debate about whether the poorly-understood transition zone is bone-dry or water-rich 可知,这块林伍德石的发现证明了地幔过渡带里面富含水分.
50. B.细节理解题.由倒数第五至倒数第二段可知,科学家们是从几个业余的宝石发掘者手中偶然得到这块稀有矿物的.