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英语翻译要少 ..

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 13:40:19
要少 ..
英语翻译要少 ..
噫,哎呀,好高啊好险啊!蜀道之难,难于上青天!蚕丛和鱼凫是古蜀国的帝王,他们开国的事业何等茫然.从古到今四万八千年,秦蜀二地从不通人烟.西面太白山上只有鸟飞的路线,可以通往峨眉山巅.多少壮士在地裂山崩中死去,然后才有一条天梯似的栈道互相钩连.上有那驾着六龙的日车也要回头的高峰,下有那奔腾澎湃的激流也要倒退的回川.连高飞的黄鹤也不得过啊,猿猴要过也无法攀援.青泥岭上路,盘旋又盘旋,百步九折绕山峦.抬起头来不敢出大气,手摸星辰头顶天.只好手按胸口发长叹:"西行的人啊,你什么时候回来呢?这可怕的蜀道,实在难以登攀!" 只听见鸟儿在古树上哀号,雌的跟着雄的飞绕在林间.又听见子规在月下哭泣:"不如归去!不如归去!……"一声声,愁满空山.蜀道之难,难于上青天!听一听也会使人失去青春的容颜.山峰连着山峰,离天还不到一尺远,千年枯枝倒挂在悬岩上边.激流和瀑布各把神通显,冲得山岩震,推着巨石转,好一似雷霆回响在这万壑千山."蜀道是这样的艰险啊!可叹(你们这些)远道而来的人,不知是为了什么?" 剑门关气象非凡,但也格外高险.一人来把守,万人难过关.把关的人若是不可靠,他反而成为祸患.行人来到这里,早上要防备猛虎的袭击,晚上要警惕长蛇的暗算.它们磨快了牙齿,时刻要摆人肉宴.被它们杀害的人啊,密密麻麻,成千上万."锦城虽说是个好地方,倒不如早早回家去!" 蜀道之难,难于上青天!当我踏上归途回身西望,还止不住连声长叹.英译 The Sichuan Road What heights!It is more difficult to take the Sichuan Road Than climbing Heaven Long ago Can Cong and Yu Fu founded the kingdom of Shu; Forty-eight thousand years went by,Yet no road linked it with the land of Qin.Westward from Taibai Mountain only birds Wander to the summit of Mount Emei But not until brave men had perished in the great landslide Were bridges hooked together in the air And a path hacked through the rocks.Above,high peaks turn back the sun's chariot drawn by six dragons; Below,the charging waves are caught in whirlpools; Not even yellow cranes dare fly this way,Monkeys cannot leap those gorges.At Green Mud Ridge the path winds back and forh,With nine twists for every hundred steps.Touching the stars,the traveller looks up and gasps,Then sinks down ,clutching his heart ,to groan aloud.Friend,when will you return from this westward journey?This is a fearful way.You cannot cross these cliffs.The only living things are birds crying in ancient trees,Male wooing female up and down the woods,And the cuckoo,weary of empty hills,Singing to the moon.It is easier to climb to heaven Than take the Sichuan Road.The mere telling of its perils blanches youthful cheeks.Peak follows peak,each but a hand's breadth from the sky; Dead pine trees hang head down into the chasms,Torrents and waterfalls outroar over rocks,Booming like thunder through a thousand caverns.What takes you,travelers,this long,weary way So filled with danger?Sword Pass is steep and narrow,One man could hold this pass against ten thousand; And sometimes its defenders Are not mortal men but wolves and jackals.By day we dread the savage tiger ,by night the serpent,Sharp-fanged sucker of blood Who chops men down like stalks of hemp.The City of Brocade may be a pleasant place,But it is best to seek you home.For it is easier to climb to heaven Than take the Sichuan Road.I gaze into the west,and sigh.