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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/08 02:21:39
史努比在1950年10月4日第一次在《花生漫画》中登场,依据漫画剧情的说法,史努比1950年于10月2日诞生“戴依兹·席尔”狗园(Daisy Hill Puppy Farm,又译“黛茜山小狗农庄),最初的饲主是名叫莱拉(Lila)的女孩,但由于搬家而将史努比送还戴依兹·席尔狗园.运动万能,兴趣是写小说.喜欢吃比萨、饼干及冰激凌,可说是只人性化的小猎犬.它总是端坐在狗屋的屋顶上,不断的幻想,变成各式各样的化身,有时变成律师、棒球选手、酷哥乔(Joe Cool),有时又变成第一次世界大战的飞行英雄,有的时候又变成名外科医师.
他最大的兴趣是写小说,不过他寄给出版社的稿每次都被退回.他老记不住他的主人查理·布朗名字,称主人是“圆头小子”(the Round-headed Kid).他最讨厌的是隔壁的猫.还喜欢抢莱纳斯(Linus Van Pelt)的毛毯.常和“糊涂塌客”(Woodstock,又译“胡士托”)及兔子们一起玩.
1950年10月2日 诞生
1958年 开始用双脚走路
1966年 小屋发生火灾
1967年 走红,和主人查理布朗登上LIFE封面
1971年 史奴比将小鸟命名为woodstock(糊涂塔克)
1978年 woodstock四位同伴有名字了
1981年 史奴比和妹妹培露重逢
1982年 史奴比和弟弟马布鲁重逢
1987年 史奴比溜冰受伤,入院治疗
1990年 舒兹获颁法国文化骑士奖章
1999年 舒兹罹患大肠癌
2000年 史奴比五十岁,舒兹去世
Snoopy's early masters,Laila.
Snoopy on October 4,1950 for the first time in the "Peanuts" in the debut,according to comic story saying,Snoopy 1950,was born on October 2,"Day by Zixi Er" Dog Park (Daisy Hill Puppy Farm,also translated "Daisy Hill Puppy Farm),the original owner was named Lyra (Lila) of the girls,but because of moving but will return wearing Snoopy the dog park by Zixi Er.Sports universal,interest is writing fiction.likes to eat pizza,cookies and ice cream,can be said that only humane terrier.it is always sitting on the roof in the dog house,keep the fantasy and become the embodiment of all kinds,sometimes become lawyers,baseball players,cool Ge Qiao (Joe Cool),sometimes flying into World War I hero,sometimes they become a name to surgery.
His greatest interest was to write novels,but he sent to the publishing house issued each time they are returned.He could not remember the old Charlie Brown,his master's name,saying the owner is the "head boy" (the Round-headed Kid).He hated most was the cat next door.Also like to grab Linus (Linus Van Pelt) blanket.Regular and "confused fallen off" (Woodstock,also translated "Woodstock") and rabbits to play with.
Refuse to admit that he is a dog:in 1960,not without dignity Snoopy fours,but with the feet when walking,it began to think independently.Snoopy wants to be everything,except "dog." Although,after Lucy danced,it dare:This girl good dancer,but she is not puppies!But apart from this very rare occasions,it is generally believed that the "dog" is indeed a kind of irrelevant with their animals.A comic book as evidence:when it's owner Charlie Brown said:"Snoopy,you watch the boy threw a branch,it's dog will run to it Diao back." Snoopy said nothing ,picked up a branch to throw it out,and then look at its owner.Another time,when Charlie Brown,Snoopy,the newspaper said:"The newspaper says it is to do a dog show.Have you ever wanted to participate in dog shows in the past." Snoopy thought:"how do I participate in,ah,I have a dog ah do not care!"To further prove that he is not a" dog,"Snoopy and a secretary,an often forgotten migratory birds to fly back home,it is taught it to play tennis,and it slipped into the states with the" dog and No entry birds "in the library.Unlimited rejected by the writers:Snoopy like to use a typewriter to write novels,tirelessly writing,hoping to become a writer.It is good at thinking,to accept the opinions of others,often think of worship of his own "ideas",kept submission once again time to be returned,but still optimistic about the royalties sent to other publishers add points to their "fun" .Dream thought bubble:in Schultz pen,Snoopy is not talking,is "want to".It all points of view through the "thought bubble" about them,but it can understand what people say,and comic book those "classics" are the words that it "think" out.In its eyes,human and sometimes funny,but it is not fun in the cold side,it shows its tender side.It hugged the little Benniao picture,warm people to tears too,when it is feeling down in the master said,the preceding sentence:"You're a good man." Sufficient comfort to the owner that the injured heart.
October 2,1950 birth
To walk with both feet in 1958
House fire 1966
Became popular in 1967,and the owner of Charlie Brown,the cover board LIFE
1971 will be a bird named Snoopy woodstock (confused Tucker)
1978 woodstock four companions have a name
Training in 1981,Snoopy and his sister Lucy reunion
The 1982 Snoopy and his younger brother Ma Bulu reunion
1987 Snoopy skating injuries,hospital treatment
1990,Schulz was awarded the Medal of the French Cultural Knight
Schulz of colorectal cancer in 1999
Snoopy five-year-old in 2000,Schulz's death