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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/08 00:32:58
史努比曾在1965年4月9日登上《时代周刊》封面,与肯尼迪、赫鲁晓夫、格瓦拉、毛泽东、蒋介石、邓小平以及披头士这些影响世界的著名人物并肩而立.史努比1950年于10月2日诞生“戴依兹·席尔”狗园(Daisy Hill Puppy Farm,又译“黛茜山小狗农庄),最初的饲主是名叫莱拉(Lila)的女孩,但由于搬家而将史努比送还戴依兹·席尔狗园.运动万能,兴趣是写小说.喜欢吃比萨、饼干及冰激凌,可说是只人性化的小猎犬.它总是端坐在狗屋的屋顶上,不断的幻想,变成各式各样的化身,有时变成律师、棒球选手、酷哥乔(Joe Cool),有时又变成第一次世界大战的飞行英雄,有的时候又变成名外科医师.虽然会参与许多事情,但基本上还是陶醉在自我的世界里:化身为棒球选手时,其实是棒球队的包袱;化身为外科医生时,只是因为爱上外科医生做手术时所戴的那顶帽子,一见针筒便怕得要死.除此以外,史努比喜欢扮响尾蛇,因为它样子纯良,不像是会吃人的危险动物.他最大的兴趣是写小说,不过他寄给出版社的稿每次都被退回.他老记不住他的主人查理·布朗名字,称主人是“圆头小子”(the Round-headed Kid).他最讨厌的是隔壁的猫.还喜欢抢莱纳斯(Linus Van Pelt)的毛毯.常和“糊涂塌客”(Woodstock,又译“胡士托”)及兔子们一起玩.
Snoopy cartoonist Charles Schulz was from the 1950s comics serialized in "Peanuts",the masters of the Charlie Brown raised a white and black beagle,beagles varieties.
Snoopy in April 9,1965 to board the "Time Magazine" cover,and Kennedy,Khrushchev,Che Guevara,Mao Zedong,Chiang Kai-shek,Deng Xiaoping and the Beatles these famous people influence the world stood side by side.Snoopy 1950,was born on October 2,"Day by Zixi Er" Dog Park (Daisy Hill Puppy Farm,also translated "Daisy Hill Puppy Farm),the original owner was named Lyra (Lila ) girl,but because of moving but will return wearing Snoopy the dog park by Zixi Er.exercise universal,interest was to write novels.likes to eat pizza,cookies and ice cream,can be said that only humane terrier.It always sat in the dog house roof,constantly fantasy,into the embodiment of all kinds,and sometimes become lawyers,baseball players,cool Ge Qiao (Joe Cool),sometimes flying into the First World War heroes,sometimes they become a name of the surgeon.although it will participate in many things,but basically the world revel in the self:the embodiment of baseball players,the baseball team is a burden; embodiment of the surgeon,but because of love when the surgeon operated on wearing the hat,saw the needles they are scared to death.In addition,like to play Snoopy rattlesnake,because it behaved like,seem to take the risk of eating animals.His greatest interest is to write novels,but he sent the draft Press was returned each time.He could not remember the old Charlie Brown,his master's name,saying the owner is the "head boy" (the Round-headed Kid).He The most annoying is the cat next door.also like to grab Linus (Linus Van Pelt) blanket.often and "confused fallen off" (Woodstock,also translated "Woodstock") and rabbits to play with.