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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/21 07:58:42
2008年7月-2010年6月 参加东北师范大学人文学院和丹麦人权研究所合作由荷兰政府资助的公民权利项目班,修完全部课程,获得结业证书;
2007年9月-2011年6月 吉林省吉林财经大学
根据MBTI职业性格测试,我的性格类型倾向是“ ISFJ ”(内向 实感 情感 判断).ISFJ型的人忠诚、有奉献精神和同情心,理解别人的感受,同时具有强烈的职业道德,为人平和谦虚、勤奋严肃.沉静,友善,有责任感和谨慎,使我能坚定不移地承担责任,做事贯彻始终、不辞劳苦且准确无误.忠诚,替人着想,细心,往往使我能记住所重视的人的种种微小事情,关心别人的感受,努力创造一个有秩序、和谐的工作和家居环境.
About Language:
I've past CET4 and CET6, with a skillful ability in English listening, speaking, reading and writing.
About Computer:
I'm proficient in the use of office software
July 2008 - June 2010: I completed all the courses in the Civil Rights Project classes (with a certificate要不要这句应该都行吧),which was sponsored by Government of the Netherlands, and cooperated by the Humanity College of Northeast Normal University and the Human Rights Institute of Danish. (后句太长了,所以变了语序)
September 2007 - June 2011: I studied at Jilin Finance and Economics University
About Learning:
Year 2009-2010, I attained in the first semester, and first-rate in the second semester.
Year 2008-2009, I attained the third-rate scholarship in the first semester, and the second-rate in the second semester, accompanied by two titles of "outstanding student cadre" in both the college and department level.
Year 2007-2008: I attained the third-rate scholarship in the second semester, accompanied by two titles of "outstanding student cadre" in both the college and department level.
About Activities:
July to August in the 2009: practiced in the Lenovo store and was named the outstanding intern.
April, 2009: took part in the lenovo-hosted competition "the creative marketing idea superstar competiton",(肯定不能去直译,我小变了一下下) and won the third prize.
May 29, 2008 to June 15, 2008:participated in the second science and employment training camp hosted by
Changchun Tax affairs Institute, and
because of my good ability in organization and management, I was rewarded "execellent cadres".
September 2008 - September 2009: acted as the vice-chairman of the Success-study Amateur Association.
September 2007 - September 2008: was awarded "excellent individuals" at the Success-study Amateur Association.
October 2007: attained Excellence Award in the freshman "elite cup" oral English contest hosted by the college of Industry and Commerce.
According to the MBTI vocational character test, my personality tendency is "ISFJ" (Introversion, Sensing, Feeling, Judgment).
I – Introversion preferred to Extraversion: ISFJs tend to be quiet and reserved. They generally prefer interacting with a few close friends rather than a wide circle of acquaintances, and they expend energy in social situations (whereas extraverts gain energy).[7]
S – Sensing preferred to iNtuition: ISFJs tend to be more concrete than abstract. They focus their attention on the details rather than the big picture, and on immediate realities rather than future possibilities.[8]
F – Feeling preferred to Thinking: ISFJs tend to value personal considerations above objective criteria. When making decisions, they often give more weight to social implications than to logic.[9]
J – Judgment preferred to Perception: ISFJs tend to plan their activities and make decisions early. They derive a sense of control through predictability. [10]
英语翻译外语类:大学英语四级,大学英语六级,熟练英语听说读写计算机类:能熟练应用office系列办公软件2008年7月- 英语翻译具备良好的英语听说读写译能力,能熟练操作计算机办公软件及熟悉网络相关知识Placed with good Eng 请帮我翻译下面的句子:能熟练操作计算机操作系统,常用软件Photoshop和OFFICE系列办公软件, 具备良好的英语听说及写作能力 熟练使用office等办公软件 英语翻译能熟练的使用计算机Office等办公软件 精通Auto CAD和SolidWorks等制图软件 在电子和机械方面 英语翻译我的名字叫**,29岁,籍贯是广东汕头,大专学历,在校学的是计算机信息管理专业,能熟练使用office办公软件和 英语翻译个人技能语言能力:英语CET4 普通话水平达贰级乙等计算机能力:熟练操作office办公软件,掌握基本网络知识. 英语翻译自我评价 熟悉计算机操作,熟练使用WINDOWS OFFICE办公软件.性格开朗、思维敏捷,善于总结分析.工作认 英语翻译职责:熟练操作办公设备(打印机,复印机,传真机),并且能熟练运用office办公软件,负责每月办公易耗品的盘点、 英语翻译性格:自信,冷静,理智,果断,坚定,胆量和勇气,熟练的office软件应用,扎实的英语读写能力,有着精确的分析、 “具备较好的英语听、说、读、写、译等能力;能熟练操作计算机办公软件”用英语怎么说? 英语翻译技 能:1、能够熟练运用AUTOCAD,以及各种办公软件的应用;2、能熟练运用TS16949五大核心工具,熟悉质