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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 22:35:46
第一章 冠词 > 定冠词the > 基本用法 指特定的人或物“这个,那个;这些,那些”.Do you like the books?你喜欢这些书吗?
How did you like the film?你觉得这部电影怎么样?前面提到的人、物或与其有关的事物.It's my room.The room is bright and clean.这是我的房间.这房间明亮洁净.
Look!A car has stopped there.The car is very beautiful.瞧!一辆汽车停在那里.那辆汽车可真漂亮.双方都知道的人或事物.Would you mind my opening the window?我把窗户打开,你介意吗?世上独一无二的事物及自然现象.The sun is like a great ball of fire.太阳像个巨大的火球.
We have landed men on the moon.我们已把人送上了月球.单数可数名词前表示“类别”.The horse is a useful animal.马是一种很有用的动物.
The pine is an evergreen tree.松树是一种常青树.序数词前.September is the ninth month of the year.9月是一年中的第9个月.
The first girl is his younger sister.第一个女孩是他的妹妹.形容词或副词最高级前(副词前常常省略).This is the best book I have ever read.这是我看过的最好的一本书.
The Pacific Ocean is the biggest ocean on the earth.太平洋是地球上最大的海洋.
Who sings the best in your class?你们班谁唱得最好?形容词比较级前,表示“较…”.The larger of the two islands is Great Britain.两座岛屿中较大的一座是大不列颠岛.形容词或分词前表示一类人、事或活动.The rich are not always generous to the poor.富人并非总是对穷人慷慨.
The accused was acquitted.被告被宣判无罪. 被限制性的词、短语及从句修饰的名词前.The milk on the table is hers.桌上的牛奶是她的.
The plane to Shanghai has taken off.去往上海的飞机已经起飞了.
This is the place where I once lived.这是我曾经住过的地方.集体名词前或复数可数名词前表示整体.The police are trying to get help from her neighbours and friends.警方尽力从她的邻居和朋友那里获得帮助.发明物的单数可数名词前.When was the telephone invented?电话是什么时候发明的? 乐器名词前.He is good at the piano.他擅长弹钢琴.
I'd like to learn the guitar.我想学习弹吉他. 方位名词前.Each line is flush on the left with the lines above and below.每一行的左边都上下对齐.
The unusually severe winter in the south is sure to send up the price of oranges.南方异常严寒的冬天肯定会使橘子的价格上涨. 表江、河、洋、湖、海、运河、山脉及沙漠的名词前.The Nandu River flows into the sea through Haikou.南渡江流经海口入海.
The Panama Canal joins the two oceans.巴拿马运河连接着两大洋.
There are countless islands in the Pacific Ocean.太平洋上有无数个岛屿. 表姓氏的复数名词前,指全家人或全家人中的一些人,如夫妇俩等.The Smiths are at table.史密斯一家正在吃饭.
The Greens have opened a boutique.格林一家开了一家小商店. 表公共团体、公共建筑物和店铺的名词前.Ask the way to the police station.去问一下去警察局的路.由普通名词构成的专有名词前.如国名、机构名、建筑物名、报章杂志名、会议名、条约名等.Excuse me!Are you from the USA?请问,你是从美国来的吗?
The TV station has been broadcasting English programmes ever since 1977.自从1977年,这个电视台就开始播出英文节目了. 表民族、党派、阶级的名词前.The Chinese are fighting the clock to make our country stronger and stronger.中国人民正在夜以继日地工作,为了使国家越来越强大.
The Republican Party is in office now in the USA.现在美国是共和党执政.
They belong to the working class.他们属于工人阶层. 表人身体部位的名词前.He hit me on the chin.他朝我的下巴打了一拳.
He took his girlfriend by the hand.他拉着女朋友的手. 年代、朝代、时代名词前.He was in Beijing in the 1990's.20世纪90年代,他在北京.
However,it disappeared during the Ming and Qing periods.然而在明清时期它就消失了.