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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 03:14:33
Westerners strong sense of independence and sense of self-centred,mainly manifested in the following aspects :1.Themselves to themselves.In the law of the jungle society,everyone survival mode and survival depends on the quality of their capacity,and therefore everyone should be self - struggle,;2 individual interests first.Used for others,helping others,but ask others to do.As the above two points,and take the initiative to help others or to help others in the West tend to accept became uncomfortable.Because only accept help prove their incompetence,and to help others will be considered interference in others affair.Chinese people's behavior is "I have others,the social usefulness",the value of the individual is reflected in the dedication.Chinese culture held a noble sentiments --- selfless dedication.In China,take the initiative to care for others,give great care and caring is a virtue,regardless of other people's affairs matters Chinese people,are willing to take the initiative to care for the family affair,which in the West would be regarded as "Busybodies." Western culture encourages people to develop innovation and doing something not done by our predecessors,the distinguished overwhelming cause.And the traditional Chinese culture requires people impartial,and follow course,the Chinese people know how to foresee future danger,but also to preserve the status quo,maintain harmony.Of course,in recent years China has strongly advocated innovative reforms,but the mentality is still pragmatic wanted stability and were reflected everywhere.Adventurous spirit is not compared with Westerners.Westerners cherished individual freedoms,like as they please,to the street alone,do not want restricted.Chinese culture is more emphasis on collectivism and advocated personal interests to the collective interest,that share weal and woe,solidarity and cooperation,coherence.
英语翻译西方人自我中心意识和独立意识很强,主要表现在:(1 )自己为自己负责.在弱肉强食的社会,每个人生存方式及生存质量 英语翻译西方人自我中心意识和独立意识很强,主要表现在:1.自己为自己负责.在弱肉强食的社会,每个人生存方式及生存质量都取 英语翻译在弱肉强食的社会,每个人 生存方式及生存质量都取决于自己的能力,因此,每个人都必须自我奋斗,把个人利益放在第一位 在这个充满竞争的社会中,我们应该有自己的生存空间以及法则,我们该如何的去定位这个生存空间及法则呢,世人以弱肉强食定做人类 自己对自己负责表现在哪些方面?为什么要对自己负责?为什么每个人都应具有责任感? 英语翻译活出个性在浩渺的大千世界中,每个人都仅有一次生存的机会——它是无与伦比的、不可挽回的.如果你真正意识到了这一点, 为何西方人使用刀叉,中国人用筷子?西方人自我意识强,菜肴大小咸淡自己定,中国人习惯走别人安排的路. 意识的能力性主要表现在哪些方面? 哲学上:意识的动能性主要表现在哪些方面? 英语翻译中国人没有自己的信仰,这导致自我泛滥,缺少约束,缺少统一的精神支柱,他们没有统一规范的道德意识和真理意识,每个人 ★★★如何才能在现今这个尔虞我诈、弱肉强食的社会中生存下去★★★谢谢了, 英语翻译正确的个人行为应该被倡导,比如遵守交通规则、诚信经营、努力奋斗.每个人都应该对自己负责,对他人负责,更应该对社会